The League is an American sitcom that aired on FX and later FXX from October 29, 2009 to December 9, 2015 for a total of seven seasons. The series, set in Chicago, Illinois, is a semi-improvised comedy show about a fantasy football league, its members, and their everyday lives.
Set in Chicago, the series revolved around six friends who participated in a fantasy football league. The show followed the friends, who would do anything to win, while also dealing with a variety of situations that occurred in their everyday lives.
The LEAGUE (officially Community League) is a nonprofit, school and web-based program for service learning. The organization was founded in 2005 and as of July 2008, 189 schools, representing 1,833 classes and 110,535 students in 21 states nationwide were actively participating in The LEAGUE. The organization is headquartered in Newark, NJ, with offices in New York, Detroit, Indianapolis and Austin. The LEAGUE is a 501© 3 public charity.
The mission of The LEAGUE states: The LEAGUE is a school and web-based program for schools that builds character and empowers young people to “do good” in their community, the nation, and the world.
In the program, youth participate in service throughout the school year. The LEAGUE offers educator resources online to prepare students in the classroom for service in the community. The LEAGUE provides access to more than 1,300 K-12 classroom lessons on philanthropy, service-learning and character education. All lessons are coded to and searchable by each state's core academic standards. Students demonstrate what they’ve learned by engaging in community service projects, called LEAGUE Events. Young people choose and develop the projects that they want to engage in. The LEAGUE is youth-led. Classes and students earn points for thoughtful civic engagement in the various LEAGUE events.
The League is an Internet series that can be found at
The League is an original scripted content web series created by Kevin Regan & Joel Rickenbach. Regan does the bulk of the writing, while Rickenbach directs most of the series. It is produced by the duo along with stars Jim Burns and Jim McCabe, and is Executive Produced by George Stulak. The League has a low-budget aesthetic that works perfectly with its tongue-in-cheek tone. It is filmed in Wilmington, DE, and West Chester, PA.
The series chronicles the everyday lives of Hitmen - Todd Britches (Gordon Holmes) and Gary Goldman (Jim Burns)- Think The Odd Couple meets Pulp Fiction. Episodes often feature a dark figure in silhouette known as "The Boss," (Matt Lake) giving the League their "assignments." In season two, the mysterious Anastasia/Claire (Kerry Kristine McElrone) goes from trying to "eliminate" The League, to joining their forces.
The first two seasons of The League, are heavily influenced by "The Ring of Domination," or R.O.D. Ring. The ring makes its first appearance in episode 3 (The R.E.D. Folder). It has been revealed that ring is some sort of "key." As of season two's "The R.E.D. Folder Part 2," The B.O.S.S., Mother RUSSIA, and R.O.S.S (Robert Oswald Safford Scott) all have possession of one ring each. There is a fourth ring that each of them is willing to kill (or have others killed) for. The whereabouts of this ring have yet to be divulged.
Attention everybody
I'm gonna show U a brand new dance
It's called "The Walk," "The Walk"
Just let your body talk
'Til U're deep in a trance
U don't need no partner
U can walk all alone
(Say, say) Whenever U feel the groove
Just let your body move
Walkin' 2 a beat of your own (Hey)
Everybody walk your body
Everybody walk (U)
Everybody walk your body
Everybody walk
Attention everybody
I said it ain't hard 2 do
U just walk, walk
Let your body talk
Walkin' so cool (Walkin' so cool)
Attention everybody
I said I just shined my shoes, yes I did
So U can let your body talk
But just watch where U walk
Or your life U're gonna lose
In other words, I'll walk U ‘til U're dead
Everybody walk your body (Oh yeah, hey)
Everybody walk (U)
Everybody walk your body
Oh, everybody walk
The days of dancing in one place are gone
And honey, U know U can't dance with them tight jeans on
If U try 2 cop a dip, U trip, slip, and fall
Walking's 4 the cool baby, put on a camisole (Hey)
Everybody walk your body (Everybody walk your body)
Everybody walk (U)
Everybody walk your body (Everybody walk your body)
Everybody walk (Uh)
Who? Me? I wear baggies, zip, snap, and drop
(Mm) Easy access baby (Yes, before U get a chance 2 holler "Stop!")
Besides, Rollo likes his freedom
Ain't nothin' like a fresh pair of baggies
Now I know that's right
Everybody walk your body (Everybody walk your body)
Everybody walk (U)
Everybody walk your body
Everybody walk (Oh)
Hup 2, 3, 4, what the hell are we fightin' 4? Walk!
Hup 2, 3, 4, what the hell are we fightin' 4? Walk!
Company fall in line, talk
Hup 2, 3, 4, what the hell are we fightin' 4? Walk! (Jellybean)
Hup 2, 3, 4, what the hell are we fightin' 4? Walk!
Piano man, play
Damn, I'm 'bout 2 walk a hole in my Stacy Adams
What time is it?
Little cute guitar player, make your mama proud
I want all of Detroit City 2 stand up, clap your hands!
Alright U Polaroids, stay in time with the drummer
Jellybean, don't be so mean, uh (Hmm?)
Mr. Jellybean, turn it around, bass man walk downtown
Go on and walk, Terry
I don't think they heard ya, mmm
What time is it?
Rock City
Uh! Well OK, if U put it that way
Ain't nobody bad... Cheerio
We don't like policemen
We don't like new wave
We don't like television
Everybody walk your body
Everybody walk (Any walkers in the house?) (Hey) (Hey) (Oh)
Everybody walk your body
Everybody walk (That's OK, if U wanna sing, it's cool, hey)
Everybody walk your body (Everybody walk your body)
Everybody walk (Yes)
Everybody walk your body
Everybody walk (Everybody walk your body)
(The finest baggies that money can buy, alright)
Everybody walk your body (Uh)
Everybody walk (Fuzztone, uh yeah)
Everybody walk your body
Oh, everybody walk (Band)
Everybody walk your body (Everybody walk your body)
Uh, say it again
Everybody walk your body
Everybody walk (What time is it?)
Everybody walk your body
Say, hey baby, where U goin'?
I'm going home
I can't dance like that
Well baby, that's because U got those jeans on 2 tight
Now let's just take'em off
What do U mean "Let's just take'em off"?
Come on, take'em off
I got something 4 U 2 wear
Here, put this on
Uh, U always keep lingerie in your glove department?
None of my women wear gloves
Now put this on
But my ass, hey, a play on words
But all the girls will stare at me
All the girls in this neighborhood already wear camisoles
I know, but..
But, but that's because it's cool
Now let's get them jeans off
Ok, but I'm warning U
Warning me about what?
Mm, God, this zipper's tight
Here, why don't U lay down?
Um, that's what I'm tryin' 2 tell U
Stop tryin' 2 tell me things and pull!
Come on, pull!
I'm warning U
Mary sweet mother Jesus!
I told U
Damn baby, how'd U get all that in them jeans?
It wasn't easy
I know that's right, mmm!
Well, I think U'd be more comfortable in this
I'm sure I would, uh, I don't know
Hurry up Grace, song's almost over
My name's not Grace
I know that, but hurry up ... Grace
Man, these are weird
I guess the tag goes in the back, huh?
Hurry up
OK, OK, how do I look?
Almost as good as me, now let's go!
(Hey Morris, what time is it?)
(Who's the lovely lady, introduce us)
I'll introduce U 2 a headache if U don't get out of my face!
OK baby, now check this out
We gonna walk ‘til the song's over
In other words, meet me at the bar in 32 measures, cool?