The Khyber (also, the Khyber Centre for the Arts) is a three story multipurpose arts centre on Barrington Street in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The centre is located in a registered Historical Property owned by the Halifax Regional Municipality. Its current occupancy consists of the Khyber Arts Society and the Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia.
The Khyber building at 1588 Barrington Street, was originally erected as The Church of England Institute in 1888. It was designed by architect Henry Busch in the Victorian style with Gothic Revival features. The building was commissioned by Bishop Hibbert Binney. Other buildings designed by Busch in Halifax include the Halifax Academy and the Halifax Public Gardens Bandstand.
In 1994, the City of Halifax put out an RFP (Request for Proposal) for the building, but only received a few offers. Its current tenants helped form the Arts Centre Project Society in order to secure the building as an arts centre. The Arts Centre Project Society was made up: the No Money Down Cultural Society (a group of artists active in building), various individual artists (including Garry Neill Kennedy), and members from the Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia. The building was established as an art centre by City Council in 1994 and a month-to-month lease was signed.
I come from far away
My boots don't know this ground
But they know it's real
It doesn't take too long
For this road to become
A battle field
And before I let one more fire go out
Understand that I won't give one inch of ground
From beneath your's and my feet
Whatever the price happens to be
I may not be The Keeper of the flame
But I am The Keeper
Beauty and truth collide
Where love meets genocide
Where laughter meets fear
Confusion all around
As I try to feed these mouths
That never known singing
And before I let one more tear hit the ground
I will be the one standing between you and the sound of the rounds
Echoing out, out of the dark
The smoke and the spark
Aimed at the heart of the flame
I am The Keeper
I cannot see the light
At the end of the tunnel tonight
My eyes are weary
And before I let one more life get erased
From the ashes I will rise
For you and the ghosts of the names
The faces and frames
The love and the pain
For you I remain, though I'm not worthy of
Being The Keeper of the flame
I am The Keeper