The Grove

The Grove may refer to the following:


  • Lakefield College School (also known as "The Grove"), a boarding school
  • The Emirates Stadium, sometimes called "The Grove" in reference to its pre-sponsorship name, "Ashburton Grove"
  • Lime Grove Studios was nicknamed "The Grove" by the people that worked there.
  • The Grove, County Durham, England, a village
  • The Grove, a village near Easton in Tophill on the Isle of Portland in England
  • The Grove, Watford, a former house of the Earls of Clarendon
  • The Grove, one of the school houses at Harrow
  • The Grove Golf Course in Hertfordshire, London, England
  • The Grove, Narbeth, a hotel in Pembrokeshire, Wales
  • (ordered by state)

  • The Grove, California, an unincorporated community in Merced County
  • The Grove Community Church, in Riverside, California
  • The Grove of Anaheim, a live music venue in Anaheim, California
  • The Grove at Farmers Market, an outdoor shopping venue in Los Angeles, California
  • The Grove Plantation, a former plantation in Tallahassee, Florida, listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP)
  • The Grove (Tarboro, North Carolina)

    The Grove, also known as Blount-Bridgers House, is a historic home located at Tarboro, Edgecombe County, North Carolina. It was built about 1808, and is a two-story, five bay, Federal style frame dwelling. It has a gable roof and pairs of double-shouldered brick end chimneys. It was the home of Thomas Blount (1759 – 1812), an American Revolutionary War veteran and statesman.

    It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1971. It is located in the Tarboro Historic District.

    Edgecombe Arts is located in the Blount-Bridgers House, which features a permanent collection of works by Tarboro-born artist Hobson Pittman (1899-1972), including oil paintings, pastels, drawings, prints and watercolors. Blount-Bridgers House also exhibits locally-made period furniture and 19th-century paintings of such area painters as Thomas Sully, Thomas Landseer and William Garle Brown. The area also changing exhibits of contemporary artists.


    External links

    The Grove (Cold Spring, New York)

    The Grove, also known as Loretto Rest, is a historic house located on Grove Court in Cold Spring, New York, United States. It was built as the estate of Frederick Lente, surgeon at the nearby West Point Foundry and later a founder of the American Academy of Medicine, in the mid-19th century. The Italian-villa design, popular at the time, was by the prominent architect Richard Upjohn. In 2008 it was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

    A later renovation replaced its original roof with a mansard roof. After the Lente family sold it, it was purchased by the Roman Catholic Church and converted to a convent. That use ended in 1977 and it has remained vacant since then, suffering the effects of neglect and decay.

    The surrounding land was subdivided and developed, eliminating much of Upjohn's original landscaping. In the late 2000s the mansard roof was replaced with one more like the original. It is now the property of the village of Cold Spring, which has attempted to preserve but done nothing to restore the estate.



    The Grove

    by: Shadow Of The Colossus

    Cattle in the slaughterhouse of the universe, a vast inter median of emotionless souls.
    Force fed liquid lithium, the esophagus begins to melt, pouring blood into the lungs.
    Your body stops the pain while you succumb to septic shock.
    The Grove overflows with gore as the necrophilian rites are performed.
    Children butchered on the altar, ceremoniously piled at the feet of the arbiter.
    Ripped to shreds and penetrated, implanted with the unholy seed.
    The eyelids are branded shut, bodies displayed for all to see.
    Parasites infect the lifeless, burrowing into their organs.
    Melting skin boils on the pyre, entrails slowly evaporating into nothing.
    After weeks the impregnated corpses begin to explode, revealing within a fully capable atrocity, feeding on gangrenous flesh.
    With these vile beings creation they bring forth The Great Culling of the Earth.
    Radiation depopulation.
    Never to be undone.
