The Grind is a 2012 crime drama film written and directed by Rishi Opel, and starring Jamie Foreman, Freddie Connor, Gordon Alexander, Zoe Tapper, Danny John-Jules and Kellie Shirley. It is a re imaging of the film Baseline (which features almost the same cast as the Grind).
The film tells the story of Vince, a nightclub manager of The Grind in Hackney, East London. Vince, having fought his way to a decent living and respectable lifestyle, is determined to settle down and take life easier. Bobby, Vince's best friend from school, is released from prison and their friendship soon falls apart. Bobby's addiction to cocaine and gambling spirals out of control and he now owes a huge amount of money to Vince's boss, Dave, owner of The Grind and an East End loan shark. Vince's life takes a dramatic turn for the worse.
The Grind features a cast including Jamie Foreman (Layer Cake, Nil By Mouth, Oliver Twist, Doctor Who, Eastenders), Danny John-Jules (Death in Paradise, Red Dwarf, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels), Zoe Tapper (Survivors, Desperate Romantics) and Kellie Shirley (Eastenders, The Office). Also appearing in cameo roles are Dynamo (the street magician whose latest series ‘Dynamo: Magician Impossible’ on Watch has been a huge success) and Sway (MOBO award winning British grime artist).
The Grind may refer to:
The Grind was a dance music show broadcast on the cable television station MTV between 1992 and 1997.
It replaced Club MTV, and featured people dancing to music tracks in a studio, linked by various hosts, including Eric Nies (fresh off of The Real World: New York) and DJ Jackie Christie. While Club MTV was mostly Dance, House and Freestyle, The Grind featured Hip-Hop and Rap with an occasional Dance hit. The show spawned a number of aerobics and workout videotapes.
When MTV moved to its current location at 1515 Broadway, they lost the studio where Club MTV and The Grind were originally taped and episodes were taped on the roof of the building. The new space was small and inclement weather prevented taping. Noise ordinances prevented playing loud music while taping outdoors, so the show had to be taped without music and dubbed in later. Other installments went to Zuma Beach in California, Brooklyn, Miami and Hawaii.
Nies was replaced in 1995 by various guest hosts. Until it was cancelled in the summer of 1998, it was rebranded, revitalized with a sleeker look as The Daily Burn and was taped on the Jersey Shore. Michael Bergin and Tsianina Joelson co-hosted with DJ Skribble as the DJ.
The Grind is a 1915 American silent drama film directed by Joe De Grasse and featuring Lon Chaney. The film is now considered to be lost.