The Good Soldier is a 2009 documentary film directed and produced by American filmmakers Lexy Lovell and Michael Uys. Using interviews with five veterans from different generations of American wars, the film explores the definition of what being a 'good soldier' really means.
Howard Zinn, author of A People's History of the United States and a former bombardier in WWII, served as an advisor to the filmmakers.
The filmmakers follow the journey of five American veterans from World War II, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, and the Iraq War as they sign up, participate in battle and finally change their perspective about the real meaning of war and being a good soldier. At the end, The Good Soldier poses the question: "What is it that makes a good soldier? Is it the ability to kill other human beings?" The film is composed of candid interviews with the veterans, who marched eagerly to defend their country in 1944, 1966, 1991, or 2003 only to return conflicted by the atrocities they saw and participated in, and questioning what true service to your country really means, The juxtaposition of these searing interviews with jarring on-the-ground archival footage exposes the brutality of combat, and honors the bravery not only of those who fight, but those who fight for change. In ultimately choosing to work for peace in the world, the heroes profiled in this film, have begun to take steps towards peace with themselves as well.
Gun fire in the street where we used to meet
Echoes out a beat and the bass goes
Bomb right over my head, step over the dead
Remember what you said you know, the part about
Life is just a waking dream, well, I know what you mean
But that ain't how it seems right here and now
How can this be real, I can barely feel
I am trying to see
I am trying to believe
This is not where I should be
I am trying to believe
Blood hardens in the sand, cold metal in my hand
Help you understand the way that things are gonna be
There's nowhere left to hide 'cause God is on our side
I keep telling myself
I am trying to see
I am trying to believe
This is not where I should be