A flophouse (US English), doss-house or dosshouse (British English) is a place that offers very cheap lodging, generally by providing only minimal services.
Occupants of flophouses generally share bathroom facilities and reside in very tight quarters. The people who make use of these places are often transients. Quarters in flophouses are typically very small, and may resemble office cubicles more than a regular room in a hotel or apartment building. Some flophouses qualify as boarding houses, but only if they offer meals.
American flophouses date at least to the 19th century, but the term "flophouse" itself is only attested from 1904, originating in hobo slang. In the past, flophouses were sometimes called "lodging houses" or "workingmen's hotels" and catered to hobos and transient workers such as seasonal railroad and agriculture workers, or migrant lumberjacks who would travel west during the summer to work and then return to an eastern or midwestern city such as Chicago to stay in a flophouse during the winter. This is described in the 1930 novel The Rambling Kid by Charles Ashleigh and the 1976 book The Human Cougar by Lloyd Morain. Another theme in Morain's book is the gentrification which was then beginning and which has led cities to pressure flophouses to close.
The Flop House is a bi-weekly film podcast produced in Brooklyn, New York and hosted by Dan McCoy, Stuart Wellington, and Elliott Kalan. Each episode focuses on a specific bad movie, a film noted for being a critical or commercial failure. The Flop House has received praise from The New York Times,The A.V. Club,Parade Magazine, and The Guardian, with the BBC noting that the podcast "has grown to command a large audience."Slate listed the 2012 episode "Tango & Cash" as one of "The 25 Best Podcast Episodes Ever".
The first episode of The Flop House was released in September 2007 and featured McCoy, Wellington, and original co-host Simon Fisher discussing the 2005 film Stealth. Following Fisher's departure from the show, Kalan became a permanent co-host in early 2008. The podcast has featured a guest host on several episodes, including multiple appearances by The Daily Show writer Hallie Haglund.
The Flop House was an independent production for several years before joining the All Things Comedy podcasting network in October 2012. The podcast then moved to the Maximum Fun network in September 2014.
Everything's got to be
Just how it has to be
Or he won't play
And I know that boy wants to
Approach me and say
All he's got to say
Maybe he'll say it today, maybe no
There was a slight altercation, oh
Down at the station, oh, today
There's blood on hands and steps
I'm holding my head
She's got some front, oh
Did you hear what she said?
I'm so sos if I neglected you
I mean you no harm, mean you no harm
And I'm so sos if I disrespected you
Mean you no harm
Oh look around, it's true
Tonight, I'll be chasing you
I took one draft of life
Paid only the market price
Now I'm estranged
And I'm so lonely now
Though I'm not alone
Licking her boot