Augusto Monterroso

Augusto Monterroso Bonilla (December 21, 1921 - February 7, 2003) was a Honduran writer who adopted Guatemalan nationality, known for the ironical and humorous style of his short stories. He is considered an important figure in the Latin American "Boom" generation, and received several awards, including the Prince of Asturias Award in Literature (2000), Miguel Ángel Asturias National Prize in Literature (1997), and Juan Rulfo Award (1996).


Monterroso was born in Tegucigalpa, Honduras to a Honduran mother and Guatemalan father. In 1936 his family settled definitively in Guatemala City, where he would remain until early adulthood. Here he published his first short stories and began his clandestine work against the dictatorship of Jorge Ubico. To this end he founded the newspaper El Espectador with a group of other writers.

He was detained and exiled to Mexico City in 1944 for his opposition to the dictatorial regime. Shortly after his arrival in Mexico, the revolutionary government of Jacobo Arbenz triumphed in Guatemala, and Monterroso was assigned to a minor post in the Guatemalan embassy in Mexico. In 1953 he moved briefly to Bolivia upon being named Guatemalan consul in La Paz. He relocated to Santiago de Chile in 1954, when Arbenz's government was toppled with help from an American intervention.



The dancer

by: Smokie

Jeanette was a dancer
Suppose I knew her well
Her feet danced miracles
I was deep within her spell
Jeanette loved a singer
Who was the leader of some band
Looked just like a boy
And stood just like a man
And it rains on
Down deep
Yes it rains on
Down deep
Just for you boy (x 2)
The kids in the backstreet cried
The voices in your brain
A world full of hungry souls
Behind the window pane
Little Jenny on the high wire
So emotioned as she felt
Sometimes I think that the wires mean
The tragedy as well
And it rains on
Down deep
Yes it rains on
Down deep
Just for you boy (x 3)
I walked on the west-side
Jeanette I pulled your strings
I stood on the pavement
Never doing a thing
Still I'm a singer
I know my songs so well
The rain falls through my eyes
Lands below the share
And it rains on
Down deep
Yes it rains on
Down deep

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