The Dark Secret Saga is a fantasy story written by the Italian band Rhapsody of Fire, written by Luca Turilli, told under their concept albums. The story is a sequel to The Emerald Sword Saga. Taking place a few years later, it includes one of the characters from the previous saga, Dargor.
All parts of the story have been released, split in five CDs:
Symphony of Enchanted Lands II: The Dark Secret is the beginning of the saga. We are presented with the story of "The Seven Black Books" written by Nekron, son of the Hell God Kron. The books, written with angel blood and then becoming indestructible, tell a part of a prophecy known as the Dark Secret. The prophecy would one day awaken the seven demons who would open the gates to hell, releasing every kind of ancient monsters, alive and dead. Nekron would then be reborn to reign again in the unholy name of cosmic chaos, "And this time, he would reign supreme."
The Dark Secret is the first EP released by Rhapsody in 2004. It is the band's first album to feature session guitarist Dominique Leurquin.
The time is close now, the end is near
My walk through the valley, trails of fear
I feel empty, my penance overdue
I guess it's too late now
To be with you
I'm extremely frightened of what will surely be
I sold myself, the death of me
I know you can't forgive me
I know I'm on my own, I've betrayed you
I walk alone
What exactly is the meaning of this
Just pawns in your twisted game
Severe pain for the lie I'm livin'
For a love I never could betray
Question me not say the lord unto thee
You have chosen your own fate
and your own destiny
Denied of this life, is what you are to be
You have chosen your own fate
and your own destiny
Lord I pound my tists at you
Won't you just let me die
Would I not suffer enough
No inner peace no after life
Question me not say the lord unto thee
You have chosen your own fate
and your own destiny
Denied of this life, is what you are to be
You have chosen your own fate
and your own destiny
I did what I thought was right
All for the love of my life
I know it's sad but true
Something is very wrong
Condemned to suffer so long
For a love so true
The question that lies within
Is so hard to understand
It still tears at me
And in my dying breath
My heart holds no regrets
I would'nt change a thing
My spirit begins to rise into the heavenly skies
Just to be shunned away by you
Now all I want is to die, no streets of gold in the sky
And I wash my hands of you
Rising to the heavens light
Just to plea for death
Just to be denied