The Damned (Italian title: La caduta degli dei [literally "The Fall of the Gods"]) is a 1969 Italian-German drama film written and directed by Luchino Visconti. The plot centers on the Essenbecks, a wealthy industrialist family who have begun doing business with the Nazi Party, a thinly veiled reference to the Essen-based Krupp family of steel industrialists.
The Italian title is the conventional translation of the term Götterdämmerung (with its Wagnerian association), but for the German version, the title Die Verdammten ("The Damned") was chosen. All versions use Götterdämmerung as a subtitle, however.
The Damned has often been regarded as the first of Visconti's films described as "The German Trilogy", followed by Death in Venice (1971) and Ludwig (1973). Author Henry Bacon, in his book "Visconti: Explorations of Beauty and Decay" (1998), specifically categorizes these films together under a chapter "Visconti & Germany". Visconti's earlier films had analyzed Italian society during the Risorgimento and postwar periods. Peter Bondanella's Italian Cinema (2002) depicts the trilogy as a move to take a broader view of European politics and culture. Stylistically, "They emphasize lavish sets and costumes, sensuous lighting, painstakingly slow camerawork, and a penchant for imagery reflecting subjective states or symbolic values," comments Bondanella.
We've been playing now for much too long
And never gonna dance to a different song
I'm gonna scream and shout till my dying breath
I'm gonna smash it up till there's nothing left
Ooh smash it up
Smash it up smash it up
Ooh smash it up
Smash it up smash it up
People call me weird, oh it's such a shame
Maybe it's my clothes, must be to blame
I don't even care if I look a mess
Don't wanna be a sucker like all the rest
Smash it up
And you can keep your crystal glasses
Smash it up
And you can see a very dead-way end
Smash it up
And you can stick a frothy lager
Smash it up
Up the fuck with your lesson
We've been playing now for much too long
And never gonna dance to a different song
I'm gonna scream and shout till my dying breath
I'm gonna smash it up till there's nothing left
And everybody's smashing things down
I said everybody's smashing things down