The Comcast Network

The Comcast Network (TCN) is an American cable television network that is owned by the Comcast Corporation, through NBCUniversal; it is carried mostly on Comcast cable systems in four states and 20 television markets in the Eastern U.S. from New Jersey to Virginia. It is channel 99 and 580(HD) on the Verizon FiOS Network. The main focus of the network is on the Philadelphia area, although the channel attempts to structure its programs as national shows. Key markets include New Jersey, the Pennsylvania cities of Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Harrisburg, Baltimore, Maryland, Washington, D.C. and Richmond, Virginia.

The Comcast Network was launched on December 1, 1996 as CN8 and now airs more than 90 hours a week of original programming from two to three studios in Philadelphia and Washington. The network's programming and hosts have been recognized by the television industry with more than 370 regional Emmy Award nominations, with a network demographic for people over 40 years of age.



Joe Robot

by: The Network

It has a beginning (It has a beginning)
It has an end (It has an end)
It's a beautiful story (It's a beautiful story)
But it's pretend (But it's pretend)
It keeps us laughing (It keeps us laughing)
It makes us cry (It makes us cry)
It's alive, it's Joe Robot
Have tin can, have Joe Robot
Where is it going? (It has a beginning)
Where has it been? (It has an end)
It's a trojan horse (It's a beautiful story)
Or is it friend? (But it's pretend)
It's alive, it's Joe Robot
Have tin can, have Joe Robot
Joe Robot
Joe Robot
Joe Robot
Joe Robot
Joe Robot
Joe Robot
Joe Robot
