The Clock is a 30-minute US anthology television series based upon the American Broadcasting Company radio series, which ran from 1946-48. The half-hour series mostly consisted of original dramas concerning murder, mayhem or insanity. Series narrator Larry Semon was the only regular; each week a new set of guest stars were featured. The title of the series was derived from a clock which was a major plot element in each story. The show's musical theme was "The Sands of Time". Ninety-one episodes aired on the American Broadcasting Company from 1949 to 1952.
Among its directors were Fred Coe, one of the pioneering producers in the Golden Age of Television.
Notable guest stars included Grace Kelly, Eva Marie Saint, Charlton Heston, Cloris Leachman, Raymond Massey, Jackie Cooper, Leslie Nielsen, Robert Sterling, George Reeves, Jack Albertson, Anna Lee.
The Clock or The Clocks may refer to:
The Clock is a radio suspense anthology series broadcast November 3, 1946–May 23, 1948, on ABC. Narrated by Father Time, the 30-minute program was directed by William Spier. The cast included Jeanette Nolan, Cathy Lewis and Elliott Lewis.
The Clock was originally a United States production. Starting in 1955, a version of the program was produced in Australia by Grace Gibson Productions.
"The Clock" is a 1953 song by Johnny Ace with the Beale Streeters. "The Clock" was Johnny Ace's third release to reach the U.S. R&B chart and second number one.
Aretha Franklin released a version of the song in 1969 as the B-side to her single, "Share Your Love with Me".