
Yoshio Akeboshi (明星嘉男 Akeboshi Yoshio), more commonly known as Akeboshi, is a Japanese pop and folk singer. He is mainly known for the song "Wind". His surname means "bright star," while his given name means "fine man."

Akeboshi was born on July 1, 1978 in Yokohama. He learned to play the piano when he was three years old, later learning to play the guitar. He studied music in Liverpool, and his time there has heavily influenced his music. Before his major debut, he produced two of the songs on Matsu Takako's fourth album, A piece of life.


Akeboshi's debut album, Akeboshi, was released on June 22, 2005 on Epic Records Japan.

  • "Wind"
  • "Night and day"
  • "Hey there"
  • "No wish"
  • "Akikaze no uta" (秋風のうた Song of the Autumn Wind)
  • "Haikyo no Sofa" (廃墟のソファ Sofa in a Ruin)
  • "A nine days' wonder"
  • "White reply"
  • "Faerie punks"
  • "Morning high"
  • "Tall boy"
  • "The audience"
  • "Kamisama no shitauchi" (神様の舌打ち God Clicks His Tongue)
  • "Toki no fune" (時の舟 Ship of Time) (Bonus Track)
  • Most of these tracks are taken from the mini-albums, with some re-recorded in slightly different arrangements.



    The Cliff

    by: Akeboshi

    so I'm back again
    in the town by the river
    where you and I first met before
    if I could see you now
    in that same situation
    I could give better vibrations to you
    seasons change with the scenery
    where you stand, what do you see
    twisted shadows in the burning sun
    you seem confused and lost
    in the cheerful sessions
    while they trade the stories and tunes
    you slowly spoke your mind
    about what's going on in your life
    on our way to the cliff
    seasons change with the scenery
    where you stand, what can you see
    twisted shadows in the burning sun
    branching off ahead there lies a road
    and a world that we haven't seen
    if I could see you now and talk again
    on that road going down to the sea
    seasons change with the scenery
    where you stand, what can you see
    twisted shadows in the burning sun
    I've come back again
    to the town by the river
    where you and I first met before
    if I could see you now and talk again
    on that road going up to the sky
    seasons change with the scenery
    where you stand, what do you see
    twisted shadows in the burning sun
