Tetrathiafulvalene is an organosulfur compound with the formula (H2C2S2C)2. Studies on this heterocyclic compound contributed to the development of molecular electronics. TTF is related to the hydrocarbon fulvalene, (C5H4)2, by replacement of four CH groups with sulfur atoms. Over 10,000 scientific publications discuss TTF and its derivatives.
The high level of interest in TTFs has spawned the development of many syntheses of TTF and its analogues. Most preparations entail the coupling of cyclic C3S2 building blocks such as 1,3-dithiole-2-thiones or the related 1,3-dithiole-2-ones. For TTF itself, the synthesis begins with the trithiocarbonate H2C2S2CS, which is S-methylated and then reduced to give H2C2S2CH(SCH3), which is treated as follows:
Redox properties
Bulk TTF itself has unremarkable electrical properties. Distinctive properties are, however, associated with salts of its oxidized derivatives, such as salts derived from TTF+.
The high electrical conductivity of TTF salts can be attributed to the following features of TTF: (i) its planarity, which allows π-π stacking of its oxidized derivatives, (ii) its high symmetry, which promotes charge delocalization, thereby minimizing coulombic repulsions, and (iii) its ability to undergo oxidation at mild potentials to give a stable radical cation. Electrochemical measurements show that TTF can be oxidized twice reversibly: