Tete Province

Coordinates: 15°30′S 32°30′E / 15.500°S 32.500°E / -15.500; 32.500

Tete is a province of Mozambique. It has an area of 98,417 km² and a population of 1,783,967 (2007 census).

Tete is the capital of the province. The Cahora Bassa Dam is situated in this province.


On March 21, 2013, Mozambique's Assembly of the Republic authorized the creation of 13 new districts throughout the nation. Two were added to Tete. Tete Province's districts include:

  • Angónia District
  • Cahora-Bassa District
  • Changara District
  • Chifunde District
  • Chiuta District
  • Tete, the capital city of the province
  • Doa District
  • Macanga District
  • Magoé District
  • Marávia District
  • Marara District
  • Moatize District
  • Mutarara District
  • Tsangano District
  • Zumbo District
  • Coal resources

    History of coal discovery

    In 1859 Richard Thornton completed the first studies of coal occurrence in the Tete Province as part of an exhibition under Dr. David Livingstone. In his report from the trip, Mr. Thornton stated that the coal, which was dug by natives from an outcropping seam on the bank of the River Muntizi, showed no tendency to cake; was free-burning; contained very little sulphur or iron although a large proportion of ash along with a small amount of gaseous matter

