Test panel
A test panel is a predetermined group of medical tests as an aid in the diagnosis and treatment of disease.
Test panels (sometimes called profiles) are typically composed of individual laboratory tests which are related in some way: by the medical condition they are intended to help diagnose (cardiac risk panel), by the specimen type (complete blood count, CBC), by the tests most frequently requested by users (comprehensive chemistry profile), by the methodology employed in the test (viral panel by polymerase chain reaction), or by the types of components included (urine drug screen).
Advantages of diagnostic test panels over individual diagnostic tests
Test panels offer various advantages to laboratories performing the tests (labor efficiency, potential for automation and reduced costs through performing large numbers of the same kinds of tests each day) as well as to end users such as ordering physicians and hospitals (more comprehensive testing, rapid turn-around and lower prices). The presence of several tests responsive to the same clinical condition may also increase the chances of detecting that condition.