Terry Virgo (born 20 February 1940) is a prominent leader in the British New Church Movement, formerly known as the House Church Movement. He is the founder of the Newfrontiers family of neocharismatic evangelical churches, which has grown into an international apostolic network of over 1500 churches in more than 70 nations. He is a leading Reformed Charismatic. He has five grown up children and twelve grandchildren.
Virgo was born and raised in Brighton, on the English South Coast. He was not brought up in a believing home, though he was sent to Sunday school at both a high Anglican church, and a low Presbyterian Church, where he "never heard the gospel." When Virgo was 16 his sister became a believer, and through her he too was touched by God: he "got down on his knees and began to weep." At first he went to a formal Anglican Church, but when he visited Holland Road Baptist Church, he said "the moment I went through the door, I realised that these people had got what I had." The pastor, EG Rudman, exercised a great influence on Virgo at a formative stage." Rudman was a supporter of the Keswick Convention. Virgo was also influenced by Denis Clarke and Campbell MacAlpine.
Rollos Wampe
Manchmal hab ich den Verdacht,
die Wampe hat mich dick gemacht.
Rollo guckt an sich runter und kriegt'n Schreck:
Auf ma warn seine Füße weg.
Tja,sagt er,da gibts kein schummeln,
wenn ich ehrlich bin,tut da 'ne Wampe bummeln.
Arme,Brust und Beine stimm,
bloß die Kugel muß nach drinn.
Nu schließ ich mir den Magen ab
und hab beschlossen,ich bin satt.
Manchmal hab...
Morgens gibt das'n Blattspinat,
und abends folgt'n Blatt Salat.
Ein voller Bauch studiert nich gern,
Rollos Magen is jetzt an diskutiern.
Nachts träumt Rollo nich mehr von Fraun,
sondern bloß noch von was zu kaun.
Morgens leuchtet die Sonne hell
auf die Bißwunden an sein Bettgestell.
Manchmal hab...
Rollo wird beim Rudern schlapper,
und auch die Rangdevuus wern knapper.
Er merkt auf ma er kann kaum noch stehn.
Er is nix mehr,er is bloß noch schön.
Mit ein spitzen Schrei springt Rollo in Wald.
Egal,ich mach jetzt'n Eber kalt.
Komm mein Eber,ganz in mein Bauch.
Denn wächst er wieder und das soll er auch.
Manchmal hab...