Termination may refer to:
Termination, as used by Quaternary geologists, oceanographers, and paleoclimatologists is the period of time during an glacial cycle when there is a relatively rapid transition from full glacial climates to full interglacial climates. For the Quaternary period, terminations are numbered using Roman numerals from the most recent termination as “I” and with increasing value, e.g. “II”, “III”, and so forth, into the past. Termination I, also,known as the Last Glacial Termination, is the end of Marine isotope stage 2; Termination II is the end of Marine Isotope Stage 6; Termination III is the end of Marine Isotope Stage 8; Termination III is the end of Marine Isotope Stage 10, and so forth.
During the Quaternary, global climate experienced a recurring pattern of ice-sheet growth and decay. The length of Late Quaternary cycles varied between 80,000 and 120,000 years, with an average recurrence interval of about 100,000 years. The typical Late Quaternary glacial cycle was asymmetric having a long cooling interval that was characterized by an oscillating buildup of ice sheets to maximum volume. The long cooling interval was then followed by a relatively short warming period. During this warming period, called a termination, huge Northern hemisphere ice sheets melted away; sea level rose about 120 meters (390 ft); and interglacial climate emerged across the planet in a few thousand years. In case of the termination of the last glacial cycle, the retreat of continental ice sheets in the Northern hemisphere began about 20,000 calendar years ago. By about 7,000 calemdar years ago, a small ice cap on Baffin Island was all that was left of the great Laurentide Ice Sheet that had once covered northern North America. In Antarctica, the last termination began about 18,000 years ago and interglacial climate was attained close to 11,000 years ago.
In chemistry, a radical (more precisely, a free radical) is an atom, molecule, or ion that has unpaired valence electrons. With some exceptions, these unpaired electrons make free radicals highly chemically reactive towards other substances, or even towards themselves: their molecules will often spontaneously dimerize or polymerize if they come in contact with each other. Most radicals are reasonably stable only at very low concentrations in inert media or in a vacuum.
A notable example of a free radical is the hydroxyl radical (HO•), a molecule that has one unpaired electron on the oxygen atom. Two other examples are triplet oxygen and triplet carbene (:CH
2) which have two unpaired electrons. In contrast, the hydroxyl anion (HO−
) is not a radical, since the unpaired electron is resolved by the addition of an electron; singlet oxygen and singlet carbene are not radicals as the two electrons are paired.
Free radicals may be created in a number of ways, including synthesis with very dilute or rarefied reagents, reactions at very low temperatures, or breakup of larger molecules. The latter can be affected by any process that puts enough energy into the parent molecule, such as ionizing radiation, heat, electrical discharges, electrolysis, and chemical reactions. Indeed, radicals are intermediate stages in many chemical reactions.
The micrometre (International spelling as used by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures;SI symbol: µm) or micrometer (American spelling), also commonly known as a micron, is an SI derived unit of length equaling 1×10−6 of a metre (SI standard prefix "micro-" = 10−6); that is, one millionth of a metre (or one thousandth of a millimetre, 0.001 mm, or about 0.000039 inch). The symbol µm is sometimes rendered as um if the symbol µ cannot be used, or if the writer is not aware of the distinction.
The micrometre is a common unit of measurement for wavelengths of infrared radiation as well as sizes of biological cells and bacteria and is also commonly used in plastics manufacturing. Micrometres are the standard for grading wool (referring to the diameter of wool fibres). Any wool finer than 25 µm can be used for garments, whilst coarser grades are used for outerwear, rugs, and carpets. A human hair ranges from 17 to 181 µm.
The symbol for the SI prefix micro- is a Greek lowercase mu. In Unicode, it has the codepoint U+00B5 (µ), distinct from the codepoint U+03BC (μ) of the Greek letter lowercase mu, so that machines can recognize it as the SI prefix symbol rather than as a letter. Most fonts use the same glyph for the two characters.
Micron is a monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal in the field of microscopy. It was established in 1969 and is published by Elsevier.
A micron (micrometre) is the measurement used to express the diameter of a wool fibre. The lower microns are the finer fibres. Fibre diameter is the most important characteristic of wool in determining its greasy value.
Every fleece comprises a very wide range of fibre diameters—for example a typical Merino fleece will contain fibres of as low as 10 microns in diameter, and there could be fibres with diameters exceeding 25 microns, depending on the age and health (or nutrition) of the sheep. What is usually referred to as wool's "micron" is the mean of the fibre diameters or average diameter. This may be measured in a number of different ways.
Small samples can be taken from the side or fleece of a sheep and measured using a portable instrument such as an OFDA2000 (Optical Fibre Diameter Analyser); or a mobile instrument system called a Fleecescan. Both these systems have been studied extensively and used correctly should give reasonably reliable results. Pre wool classing micron test results are a useful guide for classers in determining lines of wool to be made. Samples of fleece can also be shorn from the animal and sent to a laboratory for measurement ("midside sampling"). Most fleece-testing laboratories nowadays use related instruments to those mentioned—either the OFDA models or the Laserscan. Merino stud rams are mid-side sampled and the test results are displayed in the sale catalogues.