Tephra is fragmental material produced by a volcanic eruption regardless of composition, fragment size or emplacement mechanism.
Volcanologists also refer to airborne fragments as pyroclasts. Once clasts have fallen to the ground they remain as tephra unless hot enough to fuse together into pyroclastic rock or tuff.
The distribution of tephra following an eruption usually involves the largest boulders falling to the ground quickest and therefore closest to the vent, while smaller fragments travel further — ash can often travel for thousands of miles, even circumglobal, as it can stay in the stratosphere for days to weeks following an eruption. When large amounts of tephra accumulate in the atmosphere from massive volcanic eruptions (or from a multitude of smaller eruptions occurring simultaneously), they can reflect light and heat from the sun back through the atmosphere, in some cases causing the temperature to drop, resulting in a temporary, "volcanic winter", climate change. Tephra mixed in with precipitation can also be acidic and cause acid rain and snowfall.
It's me over hills I'm doomed to roam,
in woven woods on flesh and bone.
Crawling, seeking,
reaching home I look back I'm not alone.
How the west was lost.
With the desert in my soul
and the Wasteland in my heart,
I ramble around black as coal.
I'm strange and lost my nature,
filled with concern and disgust.
No room in here,
cast of the spell and disappear.
No room here, heaven and hell,
virtues and vices, life and death,