Acid is a computer virus which infects .COM and .EXE files including Each time an infected file is executed, Acid infects all of the .EXE files in the current directory. Later, if an infected file is executed, it infects the .COM files in the current directory. Programs infected with Acid will have had the first 792 bytes of the host program overwritten with Acid's own code. There will be no file length increase unless the original host program was smaller than 792 bytes, in which case it will become 792 bytes in length. The program's date and time in the DOS disk directory listing will not be altered.
The following text strings are found in infected files:
Acid (often written ACID; Burmese: အက်စစ်, Burmese pronunciation: [ʔɛʔ sɪʔ]) is a Burmese hip hop group often credited with releasing Burma's first hip hop album, Beginning, in 2000. Two of the group's founders were later imprisoned for the group's allegedly pro-democracy lyrics.
Acid was founded by Zayar Thaw, Annaga, Hein Zaw and Yan Yan Chan. In 2000, Acid released Burma's first hip-hop album, Beginning. Despite predictions of failure by many in the Burmese music industry, Beginning remained in the number one position of the Burmese charts for more than two months. A Democratic Voice of Burma reporter described the group's music as blending a "combative, angry style with indigenous poeticism".
The band's repertoire has been said to contain many "thinly veiled attacks" on Burma's military government, the State Peace and Development Council.The Independent stated that while the band "focused on the mundane, their lyrics inevitably touched on the hardships of life in Burma, drawing them into dangerous territory."
302 Acid is a music group from Washington, D.C., USA, formed by Doug Kallmeyer and Justin Mader in 2002. It currently includes Doug Kallmeyer (strings, samples, projections), Justin Mader (samples, projections).
Video projections are a component of their live performances, and their music has improvisatory elements. Notable in the sound is Kallmeyer's use of an electric double bass.
The group released an EP entitled Ailanthus Altissima on the Hackshop Records label in 2004, and subsequently a full-length album 302 acid0005 on the Nottingham-based Em:t Records label in 2005. The title of the latter release is in accord with em:t's naming conventions, but the work contained in the release is actually titled Even Calls. A limited CD-R of their performance at the Big Chill music festival was also released by Em:t. The group is currently working on a new album. The group has toured in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K., and has performed several live radio broadcasts.
The group took their name from an NFPA 704 hazard placard for hydrochloric acid that can be frequently seen when traveling the Washington Metro system.
Hex or HEX may refer to:
Hex, in comics, may refer to:
It may also refer to:
The Virtual International Authority File (VIAF) is an international authority file. It is a joint project of several national libraries and operated by the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC). The project was initiated by the German National Library and the US Library of Congress.
The aim is to link the national authority files (such as the German Name Authority File) to a single virtual authority file. In this file, identical records from the different data sets are linked together. A VIAF record receives a standard data number, contains the primary "see" and "see also" records from the original records, and refers to the original authority records. The data are made available online and are available for research and data exchange and sharing. Reciprocal updating uses the Open Archives Initiative protocol.
The file numbers are also being added to Wikipedia biographical articles and are incorporated into Wikidata.
In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), a temple is a building dedicated to be a House of the Lord, and they are considered by church members to be the most sacred structures on earth. Upon completion, temples are usually open to the public for a short period of time (an "Open House"). During the Open House, the church conducts tours of the temple with missionaries and members from the local area serving as tour guides, and all rooms of the temple are open to the public. The temple is then dedicated as a "House of the Lord", after which only members who are deemed worthy are permitted entrance. Thus, they are not churches (meetinghouses) but rather places of worship. The church is a prolific builder of temples as they hold a key place in LDS theology. There are 149 operating temples (which includes 4 previously dedicated, but closed for renovation), 16 under construction, and 8 announced (not yet under construction). At present, there are temples in many U.S. states, as well as in many countries across the world. Several temples are at sacred sites of the LDS Church, such as Nauvoo, Illinois and Palmyra, New York. The importance of temples is often emphasized in weekly meetings, and regular participation in temple work is strongly encouraged for all Latter-day Saints (LDS).