Magnificat (Schütz)

Heinrich Schütz composed four extant settings of the Magnificat or Song of Mary, one of the three New Testament canticles. He set one in Latin and three in German. In the Schütz-Werke-Verzeichnis (SWV), the compositions have the numbers 344, 426, 468 (in Latin) and 494. The settings on the German text are all part of larger groups of works. They are settings of Martin Luther's German Magnificat, Meine Seele erhebt den Herren (My soul magnifies the Lord). Schütz wrote the compositions for different forces and occasions.


The Magnificat or Song of Mary is one of the three New Testament canticles, the others being Nunc dimittis and Benedictus. Mary sings the song on the occasion of her visit to Elizabeth, as narrated in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 1:39–56). Magnificat, a regular part in Catholic vesper services, was also used in the Lutheran church, in vespers and for Marian feasts.

Schütz set the Magnificat text once in Latin and five times in German, Meine Seele erhebt den Herren (My soul magnifies the Lord), also called German Magnificat. Schütz composed them at different times for different forces, occasions and purpose. Some belong in the context of a larger collection. Two of the settings in German are lost.


Sisters With Voices, better known as SWV, is an American female R&B, Grammy nominated trio from New York City. Formed in 1990 as a gospel group, SWV became one of the most successful R&B groups of the 1990s. They had a series of hits, including "Weak", "Right Here/Human Nature", "I'm So into You", and "You're the One". The group disbanded in 1998 to pursue solo projects, and reunited in 2005. As of 2015, they have sold more than 25 million records, making them one of the best selling girl groups of all time.


Early life and big break

SWV (an abbreviation for Sisters With Voices) was formed by Cheryl "Coko" Gamble, Tamara "Taj" Johnson and Leanne "Lelee" Lyons (with Lelee and Coko as founding members). After getting their demo together, the trio sent out demo tapes along with bottles of Perrier ("We couldn't afford champagne", says Taj) to catch the attention of record execs all over America. In 1991, after being invited to sing live in front of RCA executives, SWV was signed to an eight album record deal.

List of compositions by Heinrich Schütz

There are almost 500 known compositions by Heinrich Schütz. Listed here are most of his compositions in the order of the SWV (Schütz-Werke-Verzeichnis) catalog.

Choral works

Italian Madrigals

Opus 1: Venice (1611) 5 voices

  • SWV 001 — O primavera
  • SWV 002 — O dolcezze amarissime
  • SWV 003 — Selve beate
  • SWV 004 — Alma afflitta
  • SWV 005 — Così morir debb'io
  • SWV 006 — D'orrida selce alpina
  • SWV 007 — Ride la primavera
  • SWV 008 — Fuggi o mio core
  • SWV 009 — Feritevi, ferite
  • SWV 010 — Flamma ch'allacia
  • SWV 011 — Quella damma son io
  • SWV 012 — Mi saluta costei
  • SWV 013 — Io moro, eccho ch'io moro
  • SWV 014 — Sospir che del bel petto
  • SWV 015 — Dunque addio
  • SWV 016 — Tornate, o cari baci
  • SWV 017 — Di marmo siete voi
  • SWV 018 — Giunto è pur, Lidia
  • SWV 019 — Vasto mar - dedicatory madrigal to Moritz, Landgrave of Hesse,for 8 voices
  • Wedding concerts

  • SWV 020 — Wohl dem, der ein tugendsam Weib hat, for wedding of Joseph Avenarius and Anna Dorothea Görlitz, Dresden, 21 April 1618
  • Podcasts:
