Televen is a private Venezuelan national television network headquartered on the Caracas neighborhood of Horizonte. For this reason it's also called 'Canal de Horizonte'. Televen was inaugurated as the TELEVEN Corporation (Corporación TELEVEN, S.A) on July 10, 1988 by Omar Camero and[T Radioven, S.A. As an alternative for the two-leading-private TV Networks on Venezuela, Radio Caracas Televisión (RCTV) and Venevision, Televen distanced itself from this trend and made a different oriented programming in some cases the middle classes who do not usually watch TV and it was open and being composed of talk shows, sports, movies, a full range series, mainly U.S., and Brazilian, Colombian, Mexican, and U.S. Hispanic telenovelas and in the 1990s, anime.
On February 12, 1988, begin the test signal of Televen. In channel 10 in Caracas and transmitted musical videos,accompanied by the red sphere since it identifies the channel and symbolizing the number 10 which identifies their signal (Channel 10).
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Jas verciu jas skaitau nesuvodamas
Zodziu gyvenu ir mastau
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Ir kliededamas sakau
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Netylek neliudek nesugrystanciu atgal dienu
Einu pas tave nors sudeginta viltis
Laikas krist laikas gimt
Laikas kilt aukstyn sia nakt kartu
Ar tau ne baisu
Kai ausra visai arti arti