A great hall in Eleusis, Telesterion ("Initiation Hall" from Gr. τελείω, to complete, to fulfill, to consecrate, to initiate) was one of the primary centers of the Eleusinian Mysteries. Devoted to Demeter and Persephone, these initiation ceremonies were the most sacred and ancient of all the religious rites celebrated in Greece. At some point in the 5th century BC, Iktinos, the great architect of the Parthenon, built the Telesterion big enough to hold thousands of people. In about 318 BC, Philon added a portico with twelve Doric columns. The site of the Telesterion is believed to have had some temple since the 7th century BC, or the time of the Homeric Hymns to Demeter (650-550 BC); the Telesterion had ten different building phases.
The Athenians used several calendars, each for different purposes. The festival of Eleusinia was celebrated each year in Eleusis and Athens for nine days from the 15th to the 23rd of the month of Boedromion (in September or October of the Gregorian calendar); because the festival calendar had 12 lunar months, the celebrations were not strictly calibrated to a year of 365 days. During the festival, Athens was crowded with visitors.
Telesterion is the first compilation album by Omar Rodríguez-López as a solo artist. It is a 2 CD, 4 LP release, featuring tracks throughout all of Omar's records and serves as an introduction to Omar's vast collection of solo releases: "Everything I do is a celebration. The idea of this album is a place where people can get a general understanding of that ritual".
The European release was originally scheduled for a December 28, 2010 release before Omar decided to record new songs for possible inclusion. A number of first pressing CD copies were sold on the Omar Rodriguez-Lopez Group shows in March, while the vinyl version was made available in a limited amount of 350 pieces to indie stores on Record Store Day 2011, April 16, with the official release of both CD and LP versions being the following Tuesday, the 19th. Both CD and LP versions include 20-page booklet with never-before-seen photos and liner notes by Omar's longtime friend and collaborator Sonny Kay.