Telespazio Spa is a European spaceflight services company. It is a joint venture owned by Finmeccanica (67%) and Thales Group (33%) headquartered in Rome.
Telespazio covers the whole space market value chain, offering services and solutions to public institutions, business operators and consumers. Its activities range from the design and development of space systems to the management of launch services and in-orbit satellite control, from Earth observation services, integrated communications, satellite navigation and localization, to scientific programmes.
The company has a highest level experience, thanks to a technological expertise acquired over 50 years of activity. The company manages important space infrastructure - including the Fucino Space Centre, the world’s largest civilian teleport - and is involved in major space programmes, including Galileo , EGNOS, Copernicus , COSMO-SkyMed, SICRAL and Göktürk .
Telespazio operates in France with Telespazio France; in Germany with Telespazio VEGA Deutschland , GAF and Spaceopal ; in the United Kingdom with Telespazio VEGA United Kingdom; in Spain with Telespazio Ibérica; in Hungary with Telespazio Hungary and in Romania with Rartel.
Telespazio has consolidated its presence in South America through Telespazio Brasil and Telespazio Argentina. It operates in the USA through Telespazio North America. In Italy, the company is also present through e-GEOS .