Tel Dor (Kh. al-Burj or Tantura), is an archeological site located on Israel's Mediterranean coast, about 30 km south of Haifa. Lying on a small headland at the north side of a protected inlet, it is identified with D-jr of Egyptian sources, Biblical Dor, and with Dor/Dora of Greek and Roman sources.
The documented history of the site begins in the Late Bronze Age (though the town itself was founded in the Middle Bronze Age, c. 2000 BCE), and ends in the Crusader period. The port dominated the fortunes of the town throughout its 3000-odd year history. Its primary role in all these diverse cultures was that of a commercial entrepot and a gateway between East and West. The remains of the Arab village of Tantura lie a few hundred meters south of the archaeological site, as does the modern kibbutz and resort of Nahsholim.
Dor (Hebrew: דוֹר or דאר, meaning "generation", "habitation"), was known as Dora (Greek: τὰ Δῶρα) to the Greeks and Romans. Dor was successively ruled by Canaanites, Sea Peoples, Israelites, Phoenicians, Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans.
You used to say you love me so
But lately girl I just don't know
Lyin here in so much doubt
You don't come home all night
What's that about?
Your friends provide your alibis
Swear up and down but I don't buy it
Have you been out doin me wrong
I gotta know what's been goin on
Tell me true girl
Tell me true
Is your love as strong as mine
Tell me true now
Tell me true
I gotta know, have you been lyin
Tell me true
You say you're not the cheatin kind
That it's just me and my suspicious mind
But somethin way down deep inside
Keep given me the feelin that you lied
Ain't got no proof, no evidence
But your excuses don't make no sense
I know you like I know myself
And somethin tells me there's someone else
Tell me true girl
Tell me true
Is your love as strong as mine
Tell me true now
Tell me true
I gotta know, have you been lyin
Tell me true
I heard that you been goin round
Draggin my good name all over town
Tell me true girl
Tell me true
Is your love as strong as mine
Tell me true now
Tell me true
I gotta know, have you been lyin