Technophobia (from Greek τέχνη technē, "art, skill, craft" and φόβος phobos, "fear") is the fear or dislike of advanced technology or complex devices, especially computers. Although there are numerous interpretations of technophobia, they seem to become more complex as technology continues to evolve. The term is generally used in the sense of an irrational fear, but others contend fears are justified. It is related to cyberphobia and is the opposite of technophilia. Dr. Larry Rosen, research psychologist, computer educator, and professor at the California State University suggests that there are three dominant subcategories of technophobes- the "uncomfortable users", the "cognitive computerphobes", and "anxious computerphobes". First receiving widespread notice during the Industrial Revolution, technophobia has been observed to affect various societies and communities throughout the world. This has caused some groups to take stances against some modern technological developments in order to preserve their ideologies. In some of these cases, the new technologies conflict with established beliefs, such as the personal values of simplicity and modest lifestyles. A number of examples of technophobic ideas can be found in multiple forms of art, ranging from literary works such as Frankenstein to films like Metropolis. Many of these works portray the darker side of technology as perceived by the technophobic. As technologies become increasingly complex and difficult to understand, people are more likely to harbor anxieties relating to their use of modern technologies.
You fear change and all that's new
stand in the way of progress
like primitive man afraid of fire
'till he explored it's many uses
The power of the atom at our disposal
yet it is called unsafe
nuclear energy so clean and pure
your ignorance is a disgrace
Do not resist
it is your destiny
have we not all become
the children of technology
Holding your fate in a magnetic grip
of all your irrational fears
the shadow of machinery cast upon the flesh of man
blood, sweat, and gears
the robots of dawn offsprings the industry
spot you in the cobalt blue light
one fell swoop and you've become a memory
away with your intrusive life
Into the reactor!
You worship a dead man hung with nails
only a fool would die for the sins of humanity
on your knees before electronics
lets replace this religious insanity
tear down the churches instead on the ground
build there the holy reactors
give us the children science and math
in place of bibles and pastors
You bleeding heart liberals
who oppose the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
must be compelled to retire
you serve only as obstacles and should be used