The Technomages are a group of sentient beings from the fictional Babylon 5 universe. The technomages shown in the television series are primarily human, but in the "Technomage Trilogy" books, apprentices and mages of other races including Centauri are named. They are described as using "science to create the appearance of magic". Galen, a Technomage, was a regular character on the spin-off series, Crusade.
In the "Technomage Trilogy" of Babylon 5 novels, it is revealed that the technology in question consists of bio-technological implants, and that the process of installing the implants and adjusting to them is excruciatingly painful. The presence of these implants means that technomages are effectively cyborgs. Eventually it is also revealed that the technology was supplied by the Shadows who originally had plans to turn them into warriors of chaos and destruction. This was first done on the young of a race of similar age to the Minbari who were called the Taratimude, who eventually became extinct, but not before spreading the Technomage order to other races including humans.
Technomage may refer to:
Technomage is a video game released by German game developer Sunflowers. Technomage was only ever released in PAL territories.
The player character, Melvin, must save the world of Gothos from destruction. The people of Gothos are split into two types, the magic using Dreamers, and the technological Steamers. Melvin is half Dreamer, half Steamer. Melvin starts in his hometown of Dreamertown, when it is attacked by monsters. He is blamed, and taken to trial to be exiled. His uncle then teaches you the "basics", pending your exile. This section serves as the tutorial stage. After this you leave Dreamertown and head to Steamertown, on your adventure to find your father.
After passing Steamertown, Melvin enters a huge underground labyrinth called "The Hive", where his father vanished during an expedition. The Hive is a vast network built by the former rulers of Gothos. It contains grave complexes, libraries and laboratories; Melvin finds the first crystal of eternity there. When he leaves the Hive, he steps into the Great Forest, the realm of the fairies. They suffer from goblin uproars which are stopped by Melvin who then joins a pair of Shach traders on their journey to the canyon. Here, Melvin encounters Dagomar for the first time, the last survivor of the former rulers of Gothos. He acts as Melvin's mentor and guide. Also, Melvin befriends Talis, a girl who lives in exile because she also is half Dreamer, half Steamer.