Tavi Murray is a glaciologist, one of only 8 women to have been awarded the Polar Medal.
After school in Twickenham Murray gained a BSc degree with first class honours in Physics and Computer Science from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth. In 1990 she was awarded a PhD in geophysics from the University of Cambridge’s Scott Polar Research Institute.
In 1993 Murray was appointed Lecturer in Physical Geography at the University of Leeds, being promoted to Reader in Glaciology in 2002 and Professor of Glaciology at Leeds in 2004. In 2005 she was appointed Professor of Glaciology at Swansea University where she heads up the Swansea Glaciological Group.
From 2004 she has been Leverhulme Research Fellow studying "Basal conditions on Rutford Ice Stream, Antarctica". A leading member of the International Glaciological Society Murray is unusual that her medal cited discoveries at both poles. September 2007 marked the launch of the GLIMPSE Project, a 5-year project headed by Murray to determine the controls on thinning at the margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet. GLIMPSE is funded by a Leverhulme Trust Research Leadership Award granted to Murray in mid-2007.
Tavi (c. 1st century) was the slave of Gamaliel II. Although not fully Jewish himself, he was known for his acquaintance and adherence to Talmudic law and for his piety.
Tavi is mentioned in several instances in the Mishnah. During the Feast of Tabernacles, he used to sleep under the bed in the booth. In allusion to this habit Gamaliel observed, "Tavi, my slave, is a scholar; he knows that the law of booths does not apply to slaves, and therefore he sleeps under the bed". Yet Tavi used to wear phylacteries, a duty and privilege of free men; but, his piety being known, he was not interfered with. Wishing to free him, but unable to do so since it would be contrary to the Law, Gamaliel, ostensibly by accident, put out one of his slave's eyes; then, meeting R. Joshua, he expressed his great joy at having found occasion to free his slave. Joshua, however, told him that he was mistaken, since no witnesses had been present and since he had confessed to the act himself. When Tavi died, his master received condolences from his friends, a rare occurrence in the case of slaves. It is said in Menahem Azariah da Fano's Gilgule Neshamot that Gamaliel's soul emanated from that of Shem, while Tavi's soul emanated from that of Ham, who was, according to the Bible, destined to be a slave to his brother. Besides, according to the lesser numerical values of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, the names of Ham and Tavi both have the same numerical value, namely, twelve.
Tavi can refer to:
The acronym TAVI can refer to:
Solo quedate un momento mas
Quedate a soñar conmigo
Esta noche quiero imaginar
Que nunca te iras de mi...
Solo quedate un momento mas
Quedate a soñar conmigo
Esta noche quiero imaginar
Que nunca te iras de mi
Dame solo la oportunidad
De dejar mi vida en ti
Un momento de tu soledad
Bastara para decir
Te voy amar
Nada ni nadie me lo impedira
Ni la distancia, ni el tiempo
Tu aliento me quitara
Te voy amar
Mientras tu cuerpo tenga libertad
Y aun despues cuando el invierno
Se refleje en nuestra piel..... Te amare
Dame solo la oportunidad
De dejar mi vida en ti
Un momento de tu soledad
Bastara para decir
Te voy amar
Nada ni nadie me lo impedira
Ni la distancia, ni el tiempo
Tu aliento me quitara
Te voy amar
Mientras tu cuerpo tenga libertad
Y aun despues cuando el invierno
Se refleje en nuestra piel..... Te amare