Tat Wood is co-writer (with Lawrence Miles) of the About Time episode guides to the television series Doctor Who. This book series, begun in 2004, emphasises the importance of understanding the series in the context of British politics, culture and science. Volume Six and Seven are entirely Wood's work.
Wood has also written for Doctor Who Magazine. In a 1993 edition of "Dreamwatch", he wrote a piece entitled "Hai! Anxiety", in which the Jon Pertwee era of the series was – unusually for the time – held up to sustained criticism.
In addition to this he has written features for various magazines, on subjects as diverse as crop circles, art fraud, the problems of adapting children's novels for television and the Piltdown hoax.
He is also active in Doctor Who fandom, notably as editor of the fanzines Spectrox,Yak Butter Sandwich and Spaceball Ricochet. Some of his fan writing was included in the anthology Licence Denied, published in 1997.
Nikomu nikto ne vinovat
Kazhdoi luzhe po svoyei lune
Tol'ko bol'she net koordinat
Na kotoryh ty naidyoshsya mne
(No one can blame anyone
The moon is reflected in each puddle
There are no more coordinates
That I can use to find you)
Ya uzhe ne tam a ty ne zdes'
Razminulish' glupo oblaka*
Obez'yanka, ty poka chto yest' **
Obez'yanka, ya zhiva poka
(I'm still not there and you're not here
The clouds foolishly miss each other
A monkey, you are for now
Monkey, and I'm alive for now)
Moya veselaya
Moya smeshnaya bol'
Ya obez'yanka-nol'
Ty obez'yanka-nol'
(You're my cheerful pain,
You're my funny pain
I'm Monkey Number Zero
You're Monkey Number Zero)
Chestnyh psihov mozhno ne lechit'
Ne otpustit ni tebe ni mne
S etoi grusti nam ne soskochit'
Obez'yanki budut zhit' v tyur'me
(Honest pyschos don't need healing
Neither of us will be set free
We can't give up this anguish
Monkeys will live in prison)
Obez'yanki budut zhit v tyur'me
Vsem lyubov', a obez'yankam grust'
Obez'yanka ty prisnishsya mne
Obez'yanka ya tebe prisnyus'
(Monkeys will live in prison
Love for everyone and anguish for monkeys
You're the monkey in my dreams
Monkey - I'll be in your dreams)
Moya veselaya
Moya smeshnaya bol'
Ya obez'yanka nol'
Ty obez'yanka-nol'
(You're my cheerful pain,
You're my funny pain
I'm Monkey Number Zero
You're Monkey Number Zero)
Moya veselaya
Moya smeshnaya bol'
Ya obez'yanka nol'
Ty obez'yanka-nol'
(You're my cheerful pain,
You're my funny pain
I'm Monkey Number Zero