Suwaliyat is a Hittite god. His Hurrian correspondence is Tasmisu.
Suwaliyat is the brother of the most important Hittite god Tarhun. In Hurritian-Hittite "Ullikummi song" Suwaliyat seems to be the wind or storm traveling around with weather god Tarhun. He is also the vizier and older brother of Tarhun. The other brother of Suwaliyat is Aranzah. In Hurrian-Hittite mythology he visits together with Tarhun the goddess Lelwani in underworld.
Volkert Haas: Die hethitische Literatur, Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin 2006, pages 132, 136, 150, 178 and 180, ISBN 978-3-11-018877-6