Tarquinia (Italian: [tarˈkwiːnja]), formerly Corneto, is an old city in the province of Viterbo, Lazio, Italy, known chiefly since it was (mis-)named after the ancient city of Tarquinii (Roman) or Tarch(u)na (Etruscan), although it was built across the valley on the opposite hill to that city, and overlies some of its widespread ancient cemeteries. Little is visible of the once great wealth and extent of the ancient city, but archaeology is increasingly revealing glimpses of past glories.
Tarquinii (Etruscan Tarch(u)na etc.) is one of the most ancient of Etruscan cities; the ancient myths connected with Tarch(u)na (those of its eponymous founder Tarchon - the son or brother of Tyrrhenos - and of the infant oracle Tages, who gave the Etruscans the "disciplina etrusca"), all point to the great antiquity and cultural importance of the city; and the archaeological finds bear out that Tarquinia was one of the oldest Etruscan centres which eclipsed its neighbours well before the advent of written records. It is said to have been already a flourishing city when Demaratus of Corinth brought in Greek workmen. It was the chief of the twelve cities of Etruria.
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