The Xueyantuo (薛延陀) (Seyanto, Se-yanto, Se-Yanto) or Syr-Tardush were an ancient Tiele Turkic people and Turkic khanate in central/northern Asia who were at one point vassals of the Gokturks, later aligning with China's Tang Dynasty against the Eastern Gokturks. Xueyantuo started from Selenga River/Xueyanhe River (薛延河江/偰輦河江), so tribe name is Seyanto/Xueyantuo (薛延陀), Chinese Han character undergo considerable revision by rise and fall of Chinese Dynasty, so have many name as Xueyantuo, Xueyanhe, Xienianhe, Seyanto, Selenga, Selyanha, etc.
Initially the Xue and the Yantuo were two separate tribes. The Xue appeared earlier as Xinli but were not referred to again until the 7th century. After Yishibo, the Xueyantuo founded a short-lived Qaghanate over the steppe under Zhenzhu Khan, his son Duomi Khan and nephew Yitewushi Khan, the last of which eventually surrendered to the Chinese.
On March 27, 630, the Xueyantuo allied with the Chinese to defeat the Eastern Qaghanate in the Yin Mountains. Illig Qaghan escaped, but was handed over to the Chinese by his subordinate qaghan on May 2.
The tide is always crashing, and things are never the same underneath. only the waves stay consistent. so lets put this behind us. we know things arent the same. hope plays a decietful role in this scharade we call love. did i win. does anyone win? my lips longing for your touch. like a desert in summer. dry and desolate. another lost soul barried beneath this mound of regret. how can i take this back. if i did would you take me back. the moonlight reflects the image of a dream that is long over. revive me, this cold is taking over. hope plays a decietful role in this scharade we call love. did i win. does anyone win? my lips longing for touch, longing for your touch. fuck you. who said this is a game?my lips longing for your a desert in summer. dry and desolate. another lost soul barried beneath this mound of regret.