Tape Op
Tape Op is a bi-monthlyAmerican recording magazine that focuses on creative recording techniques. Subtitled, The Creative Music Recording Magazine, Tape Op is independently published and was founded by Larry Crane in 1996.
Tape Op also runs a message board commonly referred to as the "TOMB" ("Tape Op Message Board").
The first magazines were published by photocopying, hand-stapling and spray painting the covers. In 1999, Crane added John Baccigaluppi, who assumed publishing duties and also served as Graphic Design Director. In 2004, the magazine expanded (under the business name Tape Op Magazine Limited) into the UK and Continental Europe, when publishers Alexander Lawson and Nadia Osta assumed publishing duties.
Tape Op Magazine is mainly a volunteer effort, with a majority of the writers working in full or part-time engineering positions. Regular Contributors, called Senior Contributors, include: Jijith Assar, Mike Caffrey, Brendan Davies, Scott Evans, Geoff Farina, Allen Farmelo, Garrett Haines, Mike Jasper, Scott McChane (Assistant Gear Reviews Editor), Neil Mclellan, F. Reid Shippen, Kirt Shearer, Brian T. Silak, Steve Silverstein, Thom Monahan, Joel Hamilton, Andy Hong (Gear Reviews Editor), Hillary Johnson (Web Mistress), Alex Maiolo, Dana Gumbiner and Pete Weiss.