The Tao Classic is a C# library giving .NET and Mono developers access to popular graphics and gaming libraries like OpenGL and SDL. Tao Classic is the direct continuation of the abandoned Tao Framework open source project.
Design philosophy
The original design behind Tao Framework was quite simple: to provide a set of APIs which resembles the original C-based library interfaces as much as possible. Tao Classic is no different - the goal is to make porting application from C/C++ as easy as possible. Even if it means that there will always be other APIs out there, which will make coding more "OOPish", the above mentioned core design disciple of Tao Classic probably won't ever change.
Supported OSes
In current alpha phase, the project supports 32 and 64 bit Windows and Linux. Unfortunately, Linux builds are not publicly available yet.
In the end (probably for the first stable "3.0" release), the plan is to support the three OSes supported by the original Tao Framework - Microsoft Windows, most Linux distributions and Mac OS X.