Talhan is a village in Jalandhar District, near the Jalandhar Cantonment, in Punjab, India.
According to the 2001 Census, Talhan has a population of 2,946 people. The village has 369 acres (1.49 km2).
60% of the population is from the scheduled caste and are mainly from the Chamar caste.
Talhan is famous for its Shaheedi Jor Mela which is held annually in the memory of Shaheed Baba Nihal Singh Ji. The mela is a big attraction in Jalandhar. The 58th Jor Mela was held on 20–21 June 2009.
Baba Niahal Singh belonged to the neighbouring village of Dakoha. Baba Nihal Singh Ji made pulleys for drinking water wells. He served the people by installing the pulleys at the base of the well. Local people believe that as Baba Ji was divine, no matter which water well Baba Ji installed a pulley, the water wells never dried up and the water remained sweet.
On one occasion, Baba Ji met with a fatal accident, whilst installing a pulley. As a result, Baba Ji became a martyr whilst serving the people.
Sham FM | News,Oldies,World Middle East | Syria |
Sout al-shabab | World Middle East | Syria |
Radio Dengê Kobanê | Classical | Syria |
Arabesque FM | World Middle East | Syria |
Version FM 94.4 | Varied | Syria |
God of Amenity?
More like rules the world.
But tonight she may fall,
Demon of insanity.
Will her strength last until
The end of days,
The end of days?
I shed wine
Staring evolution.
The stupids ignorant,
They must be choked by wine.
You must be a loving god
Who taste it out of time.
Should I drown in all your sense,
A world of mental demise?
While she falls on her knees
The angel flies,
But the people don't scatter,
They reunite.
After periods of firing
Insanity, the fires stop.
Then therefore you will rule, monarch.
Feel the strenght enter your soul, Maniken melt.
Stop the Demon and start