Takhat was an ancient Egyptian princess and queen of the 19th dynasty, the mother of the Twosret and the usurper pharaoh Amenmesse.
There are not many facts known about her other than that she was Amenmesse's mother. She bore the titles King's Daughter and King's Wife. She might have been identical with Takhat, a daughter of Ramesses II, who is mentioned on a Louvre ostraca. Thus she was the aunt of Seti II, but since she was among the youngest children of Ramesses, it is very likely that she was the same age or even younger than Seti II who was the grandson of Ramesses. It is also possible that she was a grandchild of Ramesses; there are several examples of granddaughters bearing the title King's Daughter, although it was not very common. The king she married was either Merenptah or Seti II.
Takhat was the mother of ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Ramesses IX of the 20th dynasty. It is likely that she was the wife of Montuherkhepeshef, a son of Ramesses III.
A chamber of Amenmesse's tomb KV10 was probably usurped and redecorated for her; parts of a mummy thought to be hers were found.
Everything I've ever done
And everything I have
Amounts to nothing
Keeps on crushing you within
Sometimes you want to be alone
It won't find the time to understand
And concentrate on everything you see
If you think about it hard you'll know