The Takbīr (تَكْبِير), also written Tekbir or Takbeer, is the term for the Arabic phrase Allāhu Akbar (الله أكبر), usually translated as "God is great", "God is the greatest", or "God is greater". It is a common Islamic Arabic expression, used in various contexts by Muslims; in formal prayer, in the call for prayer (adhān), as an informal expression of faith, in times of distress, or to express resolute determination.
The form Allāhu is the nominative of Allah, meaning "God". In the context of Islam, it is the proper name of God. The form akbar is the elative of the adjective kabīr, meaning "great", from the Semitic root k-b-r. As used in the Takbīr it is usually translated as "greatest", but some authors prefer "greater".
The term Takbīr itself is the stem II verbal noun (tafʿīlun) of the triliteral root k-b-r, meaning "great", from which Akbar "greater" is derived.
The literal and correct translation of Allāhu Akbar (الله أكبر) in Arabic is “God is greater” rather than “God is great” Allāhu kabeer (الله كبير) or “God is [the] greatest” Allāhu alakbar (الله الأكبر). This is the true meaning in the usage of this phrase too as to downgrade any entity or concept that seems to be great by recalling that “God is greater [yet]”. It is used to emphasize that God is greater than any real entity or imaginary concept one may appreciate. In the call for prayer, it means God is greater than worldly affairs. In battlefields, God is greater than the enemy or distress. In religious conviction, God is still greater than any theology. The phrase is well known in the West for its common use as a battle cry in Islamist protests, Islamic extremism, and Islamic terrorism. The expression Allāhu Akbar is never mentioned in the Quran. And Akbar is not listed among the over a hundred asma ul husna (most beautiful names) of God that are repeated throughout the Qur'an. But the Quran lists Al-Kabeer among the asma ul husna (13:9 etc.).
I am the twenty-two year war of the third Intifada.
I am the faithful, the grateful suicide bomber.
A daily hajj to a dead end job.
Brave to give faith to the non-believers.
We'll work.
We'll make it work.
We'll make them all believers.
A daily hajj to a dead end job.
Allahu Akbar.