All states in India are divided into districts. There are some kinds of sub divisions of districts which are known as Tehsils.Tehsildar is a revenue officer in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh in charge of obtaining taxes from a Tehsil. The term is of Mughal origin made of 2 different words "Tehsil+Dar". "Tehsil", an Islamic word derived from Arabic, means "Revenue collection" and "Dar", Persian means "holder of a position", together these 2 words make the word Tehsildar which simply means a Tax Collector. The role of Tehsildar continued during the period of British Rule and was subsequently used by Pakistan and India following their independence from the British. The immediate subordinate of a Tehsildar is known as a Naib Tehsildar.
During British rule the tehsildar was a stipendiary officer of the government to raise revenue, in the "History of the Colonies of the British Empire: From the Official Records", Robert Montgomery Martin described local government as follows:
The shadow still remain. Reminds me of the
pain. It's shallow yet it's deep. But it's nothing