A tehsil, (also known as talua or mandal) is an administrative division of some countries of South Asia. It is an area of land with a city or town that serves as its administrative centre, with possible additional towns, and usually a number of villages. The terms in India have replaced earlier geographical terms, such as pargana, pergunnah and thannah, used under the Delhi Sultanate and the British Raj.
As an entity of local government, the tahsil office (Panchayat Samiti) exercises certain fiscal and administrative power over the villages and municipalities within its jurisdiction. It is the ultimate executive agency for land records and related administrative matters. The chief official is called the tahsildar or, less officially, the talukdar or taluka muktiarkar or Tehsildar. Taluk or Tehsil can be said sub districts in Indian (Bharat) context. In some instances, tehsils are called "blocks" (Panchayat union blocks).
Although they may on occasion share the same area with a subdivision of a revenue divisions, known as revenue blocks, the two are distinct. For example, Raipur district in Chhattisgarh state is administratively divided into 13 tehsils and 15 revenue blocks. Nevertheless, the two are often conflated.
You got a bad reputation
That's the word out on the town
It gives a certain fascination
But it can only bring you down
You better turn yourself around
Turn yourself around
Turn it upside down
Turn yourself around
You had bad breaks well that's tough luck
You play too hard too much rough stuff
You're too sly so cold
That bad reputation has made you old
Turn yourself around
Turn yourself around
Turn it upside down