Harry Joseph Bowman
Harry Joseph "Taco" Bowman is an American criminal and the former international president of the Outlaws Motorcycle Club. While he was president, the club had chapters in more than 30 cities in the United States and some 20 chapters in at least four other countries. Bowman became the 453rd fugitive listed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on the Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list. He has been imprisoned in the U.S. since 1999.
Legal matters
The FBI reported Bowman's aliases as: Harry Bouman; David Bowman; Harry Bowman; Harry J. Bowman; Harry Joe Bowman; David Charles Dowman; Harry Douman; Harry Tyree; "Taco"; and "T". He was described as 5'10" and 190 pounds, with multiple tattoos reflecting his association with the Outlaws Motorcycle Club, such as one on his back and upper right arm of a skull and crossed pistons with the word "Outlaws" in black above and the word "Detroit" in black below. He also has a swastika tattoo on his right forearm, and a "Merlin the Magician" figure on his left forearm.