TVP2 logo.svg
Launched 2 October 1970
Owned by Telewizja Polska
Picture format 16:9/4:3 576i (SDTV)
1080i (HDTV) (oficially starting in June 1st 2012)
Audience share 13.27% (2011, Nielsen[1])
Country Poland
Formerly called TP2 (1970-1992)
Sister channel(s) TVP1
Polish Analogue Normally tuned to 2 (until 31 July 2013)
Polish Digital MUX 1 (SD), MUX 3 (HD)
Cyfrowy Polsat Channel 4 (SD), Channel 114 (HD)
Cyfra+ Channel 2 (SD)
n Channel 11 (HD)
UPC Poland Channel 2
Vectra Channel 102
Neostrada z TV Channel 2

TVP2 (TVP Dwa, Telewizja Polska 2, "Dwójka") is a Polish public mainstream TV channel operated by TVP. Its varied line-up contains all kinds of programming (documentary, history, talk-shows, game-shows) although it focuses on entertainment: stand up comedy, comic shows, cabaret, and themed talk shows (for example on travel or foreign cultures).

File:TVP2 HD.jpg
Logo of TVP2 HD


TVP2 HD [link]

In addition to its SD broadcast, a HD version of TVP2 is also broadcast. Broadcast of TVP2 HD began in June 2012 with the coverage of the UEFA Euro 2012.[2]

Current line-up [link]

News shows [link]

Polish soap operas [link]

Polish series [link]

  • Czas honoru (Time of honor) - war series
  • Głęboka woda (Deep water) - drama series

Comedy series [link]

  • Aida
  • Ja to mam szczęście (I am lucky enough to)
  • (
  • Wiadomości z drugiej ręki (News on the other hand)

Foreign series [link]

Entertainment [link]

Morning show [link]

  • Pytanie na śniadanie (Question for breakfast)

Reporters/talk show [link]

  • Tomasz Lis na żywo (Tomasz Lis Live)
  • Magazyn Ekspres Reporterów (Reporters Express Magazin)
  • Polska bez fikcji (Poland without the fiction) - reportages

Documentary series/Lifestyle programs [link]

  • Wojciech Cejrowski - boso przez świat (Wojciech Cejrowski - Barefoot Around the World) - travel series
  • Makłowicz w podróźy (Makłowicz traveling) - travel and culinary series
  • Smaki czasu z Karolem Okrasą (Flavours of the time with Karol Okrasa) - culinary program

Culture [link]

  • Kocham Kino (I love movies) - movie magazine of Grażyna Torbicka
  • WOK - Wszystko o Kulturze (Everything about the culture)
  • Kultura, głupcze (Culture, stupid)
  • Telewizyjne Wiadomości Literackie (Literary TV News)

Primetime schedule in spring 2012 [link]

PM 6:00 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30
Monday Panorama


weather forecast (R) Bulionerzy Barwy szczęścia M jak miłość Tomasz Lis na żywo movie
Tuesday Magazyn Ekspres Reporterów documentary
Wednesday Ja to mam szczęście Ja to mam szczęście movie CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Thursday Kocham Kino (movie) documentary movie
Friday Aida Na dobre i na złe Kocham Cię, Polsko! movie
Saturday Postaw na milion entertainment movie
Sunday Tak to leciało! Kabaretowy Klub Dwójki movie Kocham Kino (movie magazine) WOK - Wszystko o Kulturze

Previously on TVP2 [link]

Polish series [link]

  • Złotopolscy (The Złotopolskis)
  • Egzamin z życia (Life Exam)
  • Kopciuszek (Cinderella)
  • Licencja na wychowanie (License for education)
  • Apetyt na życie (Apettite for life)
  • U Pana Boga w ogródku (In the garden of God)

Foreign series [link]

Comedy series [link]

  • Codzienna 2 m. 3 (Everyday Lane 2/3)
  • Sąsiedzi (Neighbours)
  • Lokatorzy (Lodgers)
  • Święta wojna (Holy War)

Entertainment [link]

  • Duże dzieci (a programme in which young children discuss various topics: from politics to cuisine)
  • Europa da się lubić (Europe's easy to like)
  • Fabryka śmiechu (Laughter factory)
  • Mój pierwszy raz (My first time)
  • Od przedszkola do Opola (a programme in which young children sing with professionals)
  • Oto jest pytanie
  • Gilotyna (Cresus)
  • Koło fortuny (Wheel of Fortune)
  • Podróże z żartem (Travel with laughter) - a travel talk show
  • 30 ton - lista, lista, lista przebojów - top 30 chart show
  • Bezludna wyspa (talk show)
  • Dubidu (music show)
  • Spotkanie z balladą
  • Tele PRLe
  • Tygodnik Moralnego Niepokoju (TV show of Polish cabaret Kabaret Moralnego Niepokoju)
  • Fort Boyard
  • Va Banque (Jeopardy!)

Documentary/talk shows [link]

  • Kochaj mnie
  • Warto rozmawiać - controversial talk show, accused of right-wing spinning

Children's shows [link]

Broadcast Hours throughout the years [link]

  • 1970-1989: Opens between 6:00pm and 7:00pm and closes between 9:30pm and 12:00am.
  • 1989-1991: Opens between 12:00pm and 5:00pm and closes between 10:30pm and 12:00am.
  • 1991-1993: Opens between 8:00am and 10:00am and closes between 11:30pm and 2:00am.
  • 1993-1999: Opens between 7:00am and 9:00am and closes between 12:00am and 2:00am.
  • 1999-2004: Opens between 6:00am and 7:30am and closes between 12:00am and 3:00am.
  • 2004-2007: Opens between 6:00am and 7:30am and closes between 12:30am and 4:00am.
  • 2007-2010: Opens between 4:30am and 6:30am and closes between 1:00am and 4:00am.
  • 2010 onwards: Opens between 5:30am and 6:00am and closes between 3:00am and 5:00am.

See also [link]

References [link]

External links [link]



Toffee Pop

by: Damien Rice

Huge eyes
Know I'm missing
So I close mine
When I'm kissing
Lollipop, licking
With Lola
Sticking like toffee to my teeth
Wait, watch, gravitate
Grab hold of, insulate
Wait, watch, it's too late
It's over now
(All the way)
I've got so much beauty around me I can't move
I've got so much beauty around me I can't loose
I've got so much beauty around me I can't choose
I've got so much beauty around me, around you
Toffee pop
So sticky
In the heat
Lola gets angry
Over meat
And who did I (who did I)
Who did I (who did I)
Push out
And who did I (who did I)
Who did I (who did I)
Hear shout
Wait, watch, gravitate
Grab hold of, insulate
Wait, watch, it's too late
It's over now
(All the way)
I've got so much beauty around me I can't move
I've got so much beauty around me I can't loose
I've got so much beauty around me I can't choose
