TDRS Music
Travis Dickerson Recording Studios Music is a label founded by musician and producer Travis Dickerson. The label is characterized by the way it sells records. Every record it sells is shipped directly to the buyer.
Over the years TDRS has released many albums and in 2007, Buckethead released several paintings through TDRS's web page, which also sells shirts, posters and stickers related to the artist. The label mainly sells normal CDs, and has a Download Store with reduced prices and otherwise unavailable material.
Recent works
TDRS released several albums in 2007, specially with Buckethead who in February released a 13-CD box set called In Search Of The that is hand-drawn by the artist himself (until the copy 999, the rest are all the same drawings), later in March released a CD called Pepper's Ghost, in August a re-issue of the demo tape Bucketheadland Blueprints was made available in regular and personalized editions and in October released three CDs with Buckethead Decoding the Tomb of Bansheebot, Cyborg Slunks (the cover was hand-drawn by Buckethead himself) and Kevin's Noodle House with the drummer Bryan "Brain" Mantia, in December Travis Dickerson (founder of the label and Buckethead released a sequel to their last album Chicken Noodles II and released a regular edition of Cyborg Slunks. Buckethead also released some paintings - five different paintings of 100 copies each were sold though the web site.