A T-beam (or tee beam), used in construction, is a load-bearing structure of reinforced concrete, wood or metal, with a t-shaped cross section. The top of the t-shaped cross section serves as a flange or compression member in resisting compressive stresses. The web (vertical section) of the beam below the compression flange serves to resist shear stress and to provide greater separation for the coupled forces of bending.
The T-beam has a big disadvantage compared to an I-beam because it has no bottom flange with which to deal with tensile forces. One way to make a T-beam more efficient structurally is to use an inverted T-beam with a floor slab or bridge deck joining the tops of the beams. Done properly, the slab acts as the compression flange.
A T-beam is a structural element able to withstand large loads by resistance in the beam or by internal reinforcements. In some respects, the T-beam dates back to the first time a human formed a bridge with a pier and a deck. After all, a T-beam is, in one sense, no more than a pillar with a horizontal bed on top, or, in the case of the inverted T-beam, on the bottom. The upright portion carrying the tension of the beam is termed a web or stem, and the horizontal part that carries the compression is termed a flange. However, the materials used have changed over the years but the basic structure is the same. T-beams structures such as highway overpasses, buildings and parking garages, have extra material added on the underside where the web joins the flange to reduce the T-beam’s vulnerability to shear stress. However, when one investigates more deeply into the design of T-beams, some distinctions appear.
Já não tenho dedos pra contar
De quantos barrancos despenquei
E quantas pedras me atiraram
E quantas atirei
Tanta farpa, tanta mentira
Tanta falta do que dizer
Nem sempre é so easy se viver
Hoje não consigo mais me lembrar
De quantas janelas me atirei
E quanto rastro de incompreensão
Eu já deixei
Tantos bons quanto maus motivos
Tantas vezes desilusão
Quase nunca a vida é um balão
Mas o teu amor me cura
De uma loucura qualquer
Encostar no teu peito
E se isso for algum defeito por mim
Tudo bem