Lexx is a science fiction television series that follows the adventures of a group of mismatched individuals aboard the organic space craft Lexx. They travel through two universes and encounter planets including a parody of the Earth.
The series is a Canadian and German co-production, with some additional funding from Britain's Channel 5. The Sci Fi Channel purchased the series from Salter Street Films and began airing versions of Season 2 episodes for United States' audience in January 2000.Lexx was co-produced by Salter Street Films, later absorbed by Alliance Atlantis. In Canada, Lexx aired on the Alliance Atlantis-owned Showcase network. The series was primarily filmed in Halifax (Nova Scotia, Canada) and Berlin (Germany), with additional filming on location in Iceland, Bangkok (Thailand), and Namibia.
The crew of the Lexx includes:
Marco Bliggensdorfer better known as Bligg (born September 30, 1976 in Schwamendingen) is a rapper from Zurich, Switzerland. His albums 0816 and Bart Aber Herzlich reached #1 on the Swiss charts; four of his other albums have peaked in the top 20. In 1999 and 2000, he was part of a duo Bligg'n'Lexx with rapper and producer Lexx (real name Alex Storrer) releasing one album together.
At age 16, Bligg began freestyling. In 1995, he released a limited EP, Zürislang Freistiil, which was the first opportunity to really hear him rap.
Three years later, Bliggensdorfer met Alex Storrer, a producer and rapper known as Lexx. Forming a hip hop duo, the two worked together on Chocolate, Cheese and Sounds. In 1999, they released their first single, called "Schnitzeljagd" under the name Bligg'n'Lexx. The single was remixed by DJ Cutmando, whom the pair met while on tour. Ever since then, DJ Cutmando has worked with Bligg.
In 2000, Bligg'n'Lexx collaborated with Pete Penicka to release the single "Du & Ich" from the Bligg'n'Lexx debut and only studio album Nahdisnah. The album received positive reviews and increased the group's popularity.
LEXX is a text editor which was possibly the first to use live parsing and colour syntax highlighting. It was written by Mike Cowlishaw of IBM around 1985. The name was chosen because he wrote it as a tool for lexicographers, during an assignment for Oxford University Press's second edition of the Oxford English Dictionary. The program ran (and still, 2012, runs) on mainframes under (VM/CMS). LEXX's design was chosen as a middle ground between specialized syntax directed editors such as Grif and JANUS and general purpose editors such as the contemporary Emacs and XEDIT.
LEXX uses dynamically-loaded parsers which assign classes of elements (tokens formed from character strings) to fonts and colors. It allows indention to be used to format and show the structure of the file being edited, and other formatting options allow (for example) the hiding of selected classes of text, such as tags. A collection of screenshots is available.
Reimplemented derivatives of the LEXX concept known as LPEX (for 'Live Parsing Editor) were originally produced for OS/2 and AIX, but now also run on Windows, Linux, and the Java JVM.
Und als wir schlieŸlich in der gottverreckten Finsternis der Berge angelangt
waren, da hielten wir inne und blickten zurck auf die Tler Lethes, um noch
einmal das zu schauen, was unter unseren Hnden dort entstanden. Wir, sechs
dunkle Schemen im wabernden Dunst, von den Mhen des ungndigen Schicksals
gezeichnet, senkten unsere Blicke und fragten uns, ob es gut sei, was wir da
geschaffen, denn bisweilen klang das ferne Rauschen des Wassers nicht wohl in
unseren Ohren. Hier und da sahen wir scharfkantige Felsen, die vereinzelt die
Oberflche des Flusses durchstieŸen, und sie schienen uns wie Knochen, die
aus zarter Haut stakten. So regte sich mit einem Mal der Wunsch in unseren
Herzen, noch einmal Hand zu legen an unsere Schpfung. Doch als wir nur einen
Schritt getan zurck in die Richtung, aus der wir gekommen, da ergossen sich die
Nebel Sturzbchen gleich in die Tler und entzogen alles unseren zweifelnden
Blicken. Zu lange schon hatten wir am Strome des Vergessens geweilt. Wir
verstanden, befanden, daŸ es gut sei und wandten uns um, die Wanderung zu
ferneren Gefilden fortzusetzen, wohin die Herbststrme uns nun riefen.
Sollten die Unwrdigen taumeln in den Nebeln und in die Fluten Lethes
strzen. Sollten sie ersaufen und in Vergessenheit versinken, oder sich festkrallen
an den schneidend scharfen Felsen, Lethe wrde sie doch noch mit sich reiŸen
in kalter Umarmung...