Syngenta AG is a global Swiss agribusiness that produces agrochemicals and seeds. As a biotechnology company, it conducts genomic research. It was formed in 2000 by the merger of Novartis Agribusiness and Zeneca Agrochemicals. As of 2014 Syngenta was the world’s largest crop chemical producer, strongest in Europe.As of 2009 it ranked third in seeds and biotechnology sales.
Sales in 2014 were approximately US$15.1 billion, over half of which were in emerging markets.
Based in Basel, Switzerland, Syngenta was formed in 2000 by the merger of Novartis Agribusiness and Zeneca Agrochemicals. Its roots are considerably older.
Novartis was formed of the 1995 merger of the three Swiss companies: Geigy, which has roots back to 1758;Sandoz Laboratories which was founded in 1876; and Ciba, founded in 1884. Ciba and Geigy had merged in 1971 and had concentrated mainly on crop protection in its agro division, Sandoz more on seeds.
Zeneca Agrochemicals was part of AstraZeneca, and formerly of Imperial Chemical Industries. ICI was formed in the UK in 1926. Two years later, work began at the Agricultural Research Station at Jealotts Hill near Bracknell.