Sylvette is the title of a portrait painting by Pablo Picasso, featuring a young woman with a pony tail. The model for the painting, Lydia Sylvette David, also known by her married name Lydia Corbett, was a French woman who, during the summer of 1953, worked in a pottery studio near Picasso's studio in Vallauris. Finding her appearance appealing, Picasso created 40 works inspired by her. Sylvette's portrait from 2 May 1954 is one of the last of a long series. Picasso's grandson Olivier Widmaier Picasso told the Chicago Sun-Times in 2004 that Sylvette was also the subject of the monumental Chicago Picasso, which had been a matter of curiosity since it was unveiled. She was said to have been an inspiration for actress Brigitte Bardot and the Roger Vadim film And God Created Woman. In 1998 Barron's published Picasso and the Girl With a Ponytail by Laurence Anholt—a children's book in which a shy teenager named Sylvette meets Picasso in Vallauris and becomes his model.
Lydia is now an artist in her own right. Galleries exhibiting her work include Fosse Gallery Fine Art, with one exhibition being aptly named 'The Girl With the Ponytail'.
People want that slow food
Two minutes and they grouch
But give me ham baked all day long
And help me to the couch
Help me to the sofa
Put the quiet music on
I will lie and think about that ham
Long after it is gone.
I want some slo-o-o-o-ow food.
I don't want no food with cute names
No neon on a sign
A man can't live on advertising slogans
And conceptual design
Let somebody else go surf and turf
Someone else go carry out
Me, I want my food to know itself
Before it knows my mouth.
I want some slo-o-o-o-ow food
With all the love cooked in.
Why don't we start it in the mornin'
Leave us plenty of time for lovin'
Weekend homemade hot fresh bread
Make the whole house smell like an oven
And let it all just simmer
Cook in the good juices and the greases
Then we'll sit down at the table, baby
And slowly tear it into pieces.
I want some slo-o-o-o-ow food
What's the big rush?..../Don't want no hard-hearted
Hardee's, no
Muck-muck-muck-muck-donald's....I want a chef, not a
clown, to make my
Food.../it can even be tofu with the right kinda
I want some slo-o-o-o-ow food