Syed Ibrahim Mallick Baya
Syed Ibrahim Mullick Baya (Rahmatullah Alaih)
Mullick, Malick, or Malik are three possible spellings used for the same name by Mullicks from Bihar, India. Syed Ibrahim Mullick came to India during the time of Sultan Mohammad Tughlaq in 740 Hijri. (1339 A.D.). Syed Ibrahim's ancestors were native of Baghdad who migrated to Afghanistan and settled in the district of Budt Nagar, which was located in Ghazni.
The Muslim population of Bihar was around 13% before the partition of India in 1947. At that time,“Mullicks” constituted about 25% of the Muslim population of Bihar, mostly concentrated in the villages and towns in the districts of Patna, Bihar Sharif, Gaya, Arah, Jehanabad, Arwal, Auranagabad, Nawada, Jamui, Munger and Sheikhpura. Syed Ibrahim Mullick Baya Bihari (or Syed Ibrahim Mullick Baya, Mullick Bayyu) (born near Ghazni, in (Afghanistan) is the progenitor of the Syed “Mullicks” Muslim community of Bihar, India. His ancestors had migrated to the region from Baghdad to escape from persecution at the hands of the Abbasids. Syed Ibrahim Mullick came to India in 740 Hijri (1339 AD), where he served as a general in Sultan Mohammad Tughlaq's army. After several successful battles and campaigns he received the title of “Mullick Baya” from the Sultan Tughlaq, and was later appointed the Governor of the district of Bihar by the Sultan's son.