Swampy Cree, known by themselves as Maskiki Wi Iniwak, Mushkegowuk (or Maškēkowak in common Cree spelling) or Maskekon therefore often known as Muskegon and Muskegoes. Sometimes also called West Main Cree or Lowland Cree, are a division of the Cree First Nation occupying lands located in northern Manitoba, along the Saskatchewan River in northeastern Saskatchewan, along the shores of Hudson Bay and adjoining interior lands south and west as well territories along the shores of Hudson and James Bay in Ontario. They are geographically and to some extant culturally split into two main groupings, and therefore speak two dialects of the Swampy Cree language, which is a "n-dialect":
Swampy Cree (variously known as Maskekon, Omaškêkowak, and often anglicized as Omushkego) is a variety of the Algonquian language, Cree. Swampy Cree is spoken in a series of Swampy Cree communities in northern Manitoba, central northeast of Saskatchewan along the Saskatchewan River and along the Hudson Bay coast and adjacent inland areas to the south and west, and Ontario along the coast of Hudson Bay and James Bay . Within the group of dialects called "West Cree", it is referred to as an "n-dialect", meaning that the variable phoneme common to all Cree dialects appears as "n" in this dialect (as opposed to y, r, l, or ð; all of these phonemes are considered a linguistic reflex of Proto-Algonquian *r).
It had approximately 4500 speakers in a population of 5000 as of 1982 according to the 14th edition of the Ethnologue. Canadian census data does not identify specific dialects of Cree (i.e., all estimates now current rely on extrapolations from specific studies), and, currently, no accurate census of any Algonquian language exists.
Daniel Hooper (born 1973), better known as Swampy, is an environmental activist, was characterised as an environmental protester or eco-warrior, from the United Kingdom. He was active in a variety of environmental protests including that in Fairmile, Devon, against the expansion of the A30 road.
He became a nationally known figure after spending a week in a complex series of tunnels dug in the path of a new extension to the A30 road in Fairmile, Devon, resisting attempts at eviction by police. Peter Faulding a confined space rescue specialist from Specialist Group International who removed the protesters from the Newbury Bypass tunnels was called in to safely remove Swampy and a number of other protesters locked on deep inside the network of tunnels. Several people took part in the protest, but Swampy was the last one evicted. The magistrate passing sentence on him was David Cameron's mother. Swampy was originally from Newbury, Berkshire, the site of the protest over the Newbury bypass in 1996 and he then lived with his parents in Hazlemere, Buckinghamshire.
The Grouches are a race of creatures in Sesame Street.
Grouches are an eccentric race of pessimistic, argumentative, unhygienic furry creatures who prefer to live wherever trash can be found: trash cans, city dumps, even the occasional landfill (although, some Grouches live in crummy houses, broken cars, and some live in "yucky beautiful houses"). Grouches are a distinct species from the Sesame Street Monsters (including the AM Monsters).
Being as grouchy and miserable as they possibly can be is any Grouch's main mission in life. They also feel that they have to make everyone else feel the same way. Even though that makes them happy, however, a Grouch will never admit to being happy no matter what the circumstances.
Grouches like anything dirty or dingy or dusty, anything ragged or rotten or rusty or trashy. They will only buy appliances that don't work, they normally keep elephants, worms pigs, goats, and donkeys as pets, eat undesirable foods (particularly sardines), sing out-of-tune, play radios at the highest volume, and bathe in mud as they all love not being clean. Grouches also like to use phrases such as "scram", "get lost", "go away", and "beat it".
Swampy is a former environmental protestor..
Swampy may also refer to:
The Cree (historical autonym: Nēhiraw; French: cri) are one of the largest groups of First Nations in North America, with over 200,000 members living in Canada. The major proportion of Cree in Canada live north and west of Lake Superior, in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and the Northwest Territories. About 38,000 live in Quebec.
In the United States, this Algonquian-speaking people historically lived from Lake Superior westward. Today, they live mostly in Montana, where they share a reservation with the Ojibwe (Chippewa).
The documented westward migration over time has been strongly associated with their roles as traders and hunters in the North American Fur Trade.
The Cree are generally divided into eight groups based on dialect and region. These divisions do not necessarily represent ethnic sub-divisions within the larger ethnic group:
Cree is a surname which has several separate origins in England, Scotland and Ireland. It occurs in all those countries today and also in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States. It is of Medium Frequency in Scotland and Northern Ireland (using the benchmarks of the Guild of One-Name Studies) (Spathaky 1998).
Prior to 1989 a few people had already researched their individual Cree ancestry in the UK (notably Brigadier Hilary Cree in Devon and members of the Yorkshire and Glasgow Cree lines). Robert H Cree in the USA had spent a lifetime researching five Cree lines emanating from western Pennsylvania in the late 18th Century. Cree surname research started in earnest in the UK in 1989 with the publication by Trevor Cree of a booklet listing all Cree entries from the Indexes to Birth, Marriages and Deaths (1837-1980) for England and Wales (Cree 1988). Entries from the 1988 IGI (International Genealogical Index) were also included. The surname is registered with the Guild of One-Name Studies.
Amo seu cheiro, amo seu jeito
Eu amo os carinhos, baby, que você me faz
A cada segundo, te sinto cada vez mais
Te quero bem perto, vem me traz a tua paz
Mas se você não está aqui (ninguém)
Quem vai me fazer sorrir? (ninguém)
Quem vai me fazer sonhar? (ninguém)
Ninguém, baby (ninguém)
Mas se você não está aqui (ninguém)
Quem eu vou querer beijar? (ninguém)
Quem vai me fazer tão bem? (ninguém)
Ninguém, baby
Por toda noite, só eu e você
Eu conto as estrelas no seu corpo nu
Mais que amantes, amigos ou algo mais
Estamos unidos há muitas vidas atrás
Eu não vivo sem você
Você não tem idéia do bem que me faz
Te conhecer foi tudo de bom e muito mais
Eu não acreditava que alguém fosse capaz
De pegar meu coração desse jeito perfeito
Só tenho medo que não seja para sempre
O que sinto por você
Não sentirei por mais ninguém, baby
Por mais ninguém, baby
Não, não....ninguém, baby
Ah... eu preciso tanto desse amor
(Eu também, eu também preciso)
Não me deixe
Não me deixe jamais (não, não me deixe jamais)
Não,jamais, não me deixe (não me deixe)
Vem pra mim