Svedmyra is a suburb in Söderort in the municipality of Stockholm, in the borough of Farsta. Svedmyra is located between Stureby and Tallkrogen, and covers about 0.92 km² of land. Svedmyra is surrounded by forests and green space. The population in 2008 was 2,812. The name "Svedmyra" comes from a cottage that was formerly on the site, named Svinmyran, "Pig Bog". The cottage is known since the 14th century, and it belonged to Östberga farm. According to legend, Svedmyra was named after all the red forest ants in the forests around Svedmyra.
Svedmyra borders Tallkrogen (in Svedmyra Forest and also in Torögatan and then in a line west of Herrhagsvägen), Gubbängen (at Tallkrogsvägen and further west in Majroskogen towards Örbyleden ), Stureby (north from Örbyleden to Grycksbo road and the metro and along the east side of the metro towards Svedmyraplan) and Gamla Enskede (along Svedmyraplan-Handelsvägen and Svedmyra Forest to a point south of Riskvägen).
Until 1930, Svedmyra remained undeveloped except for a few old farms and cottages. Then streetcar line, Örbybanan, was opened between Slussen and Örby with a stop at Svedmyra (it was formally Stureby) and the area around the cottages began to be developed.