Susan Ross (artist)
Susan Andrina Ross CM, was born on June 3, 1915 in Port Arthur, Ontario and died there on January 5, 2006. In 2002 she was awarded the Order of Canada in the Visual Arts. Ross was a printmaker, illustrator and painter, best known for her portraits of Native and Inuit peoples. Her work is valuable both for its artistry and for its historical significance since she captured many images of a passing way of life.
Early life
Susan Ross was one of four girls born to Colonel and Mrs. Harry Ruttan in Port Arthur Ontario. Ross showed an interest in drawing at a very young age and was encouraged by her mother to take art lessons and to learn the fundamentals of portraiture and life drawing. Her art education continued through high school where Ross began studying anatomy to more accurately render the human figure. An important and early influence in her life was her uncle, the documentary filmmaker Robert Flaherty. Flaherty was best known for his film Nanook of the North and he offered Ross an example of a person who was well traveled and had lived with, and documented the lifestyle of, the Inuit people. Flaherty also who provided Ross with the means to begin attending the Ontario College of Art in Toronto in 1933. In 1938, in the last term of her fourth year, Ross left before graduating to marry Jim Ross, a Port Arthur lawyer with whom she eventually had four children.