Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life is a partial autobiography published by C. S. Lewis in 1955. Specifically the book describes the author's conversion to Christianity which had taken place 24 years earlier.
Lewis' purpose in writing was not primarily historical. His aim was instead to identify and describe the events surrounding his accidental discovery of and consequent search for the phenomenon he labeled "Joy", his best translation of the idea of Sehnsucht (German: longing). This Joy was so intense for something so good and so high up it could not be explained with words. He is struck with "stabs of joy" throughout his life.
The book overall contains less detail concerning specific events than a typical autobiography, although it is not devoid of information about his life. Lewis recounts and remembers his early years with a measure of amusement sometimes mixed with pain. However, while he does describe his life, the principal theme of the book is Joy as he defined it for his own purpose.
tight shoes stepping light bending over to go under find your seat on the kitchen floor at first
glance 20/20 take your chance maybe not with a spruce goose on patrol from the shackle to the
snap pop crackle on the out on the inside space to fill silly rabbit just don't have it playing tricks
for the fix and the green tea over the hill curiosity getting over like fat cat in the hole coming five
days late with a secret hand shake and the dog's reaching for the bone sweet tooth in candyland
or the worst case scenario who needs a skeleton key superpower on the hunt take your box
brady bunch check the cap see if you're a winner 'cause it's a parachute drop coming down
when it's over to the same old swanson dinner coming in through the back 'cause i never had the
knack with that hole in my back pocket silver dragon golden road but that fortune cookie never
told it never told you nothing